Happy New Years Steemit! It's Good To Be Back!!!
It has been some time since I posted I have been really busy with the kids and work lately but I figure I need to get back to it. I hope everyone has had a great Christmas and New Years. I know it’s the 7th now but still, I hope the holidays were good to you.
Here is a photo I thought I would share that I took Christmas eve as me and my husband @fitnessnerd got everything set up for the children.
As you can see Santa brought them a play kitchen set which they loved. I wished I could figure out how to upload the video I took of the kids in the morning as it was so adorable. It’s nice to see how much they are into the whole Christmas thing now that they are a bit older. Though my daughter is only 15 months was still a little confused but my son went nuts.
Well, I figure I would just do a quick post to let everyone know I am still here but just been wrapped up with things lately. I am going to copy my husband and try and do a post once a day. I did dig through my photo’s so I have lots to share, so I will be posting them and tomorrow I am going on a bit of an adventure you could call it and will be taking a few pictures of the snow and everything. Its been really beautiful outside lately so maybe I’ll share those photos.
Please leave a comment below just updating me on just what you have been up to? How were your holidays?

Enjoy the vote and reward!
Thank you!