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RE: Tables, Chairs and all THAT!

in #family8 years ago

I completely agree. Having grown up in quite a strict family, I am amazed to see what children these days get away with.
And also how parents react when you tell a kid that's bothering you to go and play somewhere else, or stop shouting/crying.
It usually ends up with an argument (or worse) with the parents, they don't care anymore if their kid bothers others, and I won't sit quiet and accept it.

When I was young and did something wrong at school I wouldn't dare complain about it at home, I would receive a second punishment right there.
Nowadays parents go to the school and abuse the teacher.

And in a restaurant I wouldn't dare run around and bothering other people.

We are seeing a complete generation being brought up that have no manners, but also no empathy for others. The future is bleak.


In many ways, these days, parents actually fail to be parent in my opinion! Thank you for the lovely comment and the support xxx :)