The Coming Nuclear Mass Casualty Event

in #falseflaglast year (edited)


The Elite are apparently planning some sort of Nuclear Event in Winter. There's a lot of speculation on what form that event would take but most agree it would involve nuclear fallout.
I'll briefly describe a couple of scenarios and see if I hit the mark later this December.
The first would involve an underground nuke - in places like the cities under Denver airport or in Cheyanne Mountain - which according to Clif High's webbot could be disguised as meteor strike.
The event might even involve a DEW attack - much in the same flavour as Maui or Paradise. But DEWs don't produce radioactive fallout... unless...
Well, let's just talk about the second scenario.
Imagine if you will a complete failure of the network that controls the cooling systems of nuclear reactors. Remember that Israeli-made Stuxnet virus? - the bug that caused a meltdown in Iran some years back?
Well imagine if you will - a Chernobyl scale meltdown - duplicated 200 times across the United States caused by some fictional "Russian hacker".
Klaus Schwab assured you it was coming - didn't he?

That's right. Now you know what the Ukraine placeholder war is all about.

Both these scenarios would be disasterous in of itself - but my conspiracy biased mind went a bit further.

Let me propose a third scenario.

Imagine if you will a DEW event at a nuclear reactor. How about at 200 nuclear reactors...?

If they can vaporised steel and melt aluminium - you can bet they can do that with fissionable U235.

I mean, they have no qualms about using U238 in Ukraine or Iraq - so why would this be any different?

A fine mist of fallout - carried Globally by the air-currents... ( talk about a wet dream for the Nazis in the Canadian Parliment.)

The goal of the Elite and their frontmen (Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab) is depopulation after all. And they seem to have the means, motive and opportunity to do precisely that.

If they cannot goad Putin into a nuclear war - the least they can do is to prompt the US to self destruct - essentially creating the same end.


I mean, people who are dumb enough to take a deadly vaxxx multiple times - are probably just going to take all of this death and destruction in their stride and "Build Back Better!"


Anyone remember, "Yes We Can" from the Obama days?

Yes - they can. And they probably will.

But who is going to notice?

Let alone - care.


Most nuclear powers are in the northern hemisphere. After the war, the tradewinds will force a mass migration of survivors rich enough to flee to Austrlai, Africa, or South America. Mainly Argentina.