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RE: Fall In Alaska : 2018

in #fall7 years ago

Beautiful picture capturing the beauty of this busy fall season! We got hit with a hard frost early this year that kind of put a damper on things. I'm still waiting for Indian Summer to get another warm spell before winter sets in but this cool wet weather doesn't want to go away.


We have had some cool temps, 40°-30°F. Cool enough to start nightly fires. No real hard frost, or the “S” word yet.❄️🌨 We did get some of the “R” word💧🌧 😕

Funny an old timer was predicting we would get our first snow Sept 15. No one wanted to hear that but sure enough we got snow but it din't stay.

Sometimes they just know

I like to listen to the old timers tales of life up here in the forest and lake country. I imagine you have some real character there with some tales to tell. It can be pretty harsh living up north.