Fake news isn't fake is it?

in #fakenews8 years ago

Sometimes it's so frustrating talking to, dealing with, explaining to the huddled masses, that the entire belief system they depend on isnt what they thought it was..

No Santa, Virginia isn't real!

After sitting down and watching 10 mind dumbing minutes of main stream news, you quickly get a overwhelming sense of dread, and no not only because of the doom porn flashed in front of our eyes, but because you know there are people out there who buy into this lock, stock and barrel. 

 We have the world's most effective mind control system at work, changing every aspect our lives, right down to us thinking we have free will.

let us start our day out shall we, if we are lucky we climb out of our bed (name brand recommended by 3 out of 4 sex workers) kiss our spouse good morning ( that spouse we are programmed to be attract iced to from child hood via Barbie and ken), Walk into our kitchen filled with the best rove and fridge we could afford at the last Black Friday sale, we pour ourselves a bowl of high fructose corn nuggets that we picked off the shelf thanks to clever color advertisement placement that funded research showed we would respond best to..we bounce out the door, get behind the wheel of last years JB powers award winning maxi compact with wings, and drive to work, at the water cooler we try and sound smart by repeating what ever the most recent talking head drivel said about world events or what ever sport we think is great due to prime time placement.

Free will?  Not in a pig's rear!

Ask yourself, where did you ever hear about weapons of mass destruction? Syrian Rebels? Voter fraud?  Did you see it? Do you know one?

No! We trust the lying sob's

we know they have used subliminal programming, yet we don't care.

we know they know exactly how to market to us.. But we don't care.

and even if we are some of the few that does care, what do we do?

First step admit how deep the problem goes..

ask around.. How many people will admit to seeing planeS crash into towers on 9/11 or pentagon?  they THINK  they saw a lot more than they did...

or all the poor bodies at Sandy Hook School?  They have been programmed in such a way, the minds eye fills in the missing blanks. 

Media is used to implant in your brain exactly what "They" want there and erase what they don't

how many remember the Van full of explosives on 9/11?  Very few... Why?  that tid bit of information did not fit the srory put out by them, and thus was not reinforced.

Have you ever noticed how many of the news stations will use the exact same words for a story?  It's not an accident that all these people came up with the same words, at the same time... It's meant to drive that point deep into your brain..

How many people reading this know all about Man going to the Moon?  The same version told the same way... But how many people remember India's space program?  What important little detail happened from that?   See the US launched a massive missle and exploded it on the moon, just a short time before India's rover was to land there.. Why?  Now the story came out that Water was found on the moon!  Water!! Why do most people not know this?  It was only aired once.


We are told who is popular, what movies are good, who is bad.. And in time of war, who to hate .. So much so that we have people willing to go out and kill an enemy they have only seen on TV

That brings us right around to fake news.

someone somewhere, will be given the job of deciding what we will call fake news... We have already seen it used as a tool during the last election .. And if you think Russians sat around starting #fakenews sites for Facebook , it may be hopeless.

we have to be able and willing to stand on a street corner, meet in a back alley and explain time and time again to anyone that will listen... That things like #fakenews, Alt right, MSM are all just mind control doohickeys 

long live Free think


Bravo to you for seeing and realizing what we are faced with. One only needs to read a little Aldous Huxley to realize a playbook is being followed...and we are the dupes.

thanks for the post.

Aldous Huxley was instrumental in writing some of the playbook.

Good read and you got a new follower. Would be nice if we could break the mind control. Steemit is a good tool in this battle.

Hello, and thank you.
Yes I sure hope it will be, anywhere we are able to openly talk about such really helps, regardless .