Are we left, right, or just (in)correct?

in #fakenews8 years ago

What a world we live in! I am for defending myself with weapons but against war, I stand for the thin blue line but I believe political hacktivism is very important against corrupt LE & politicians, I am for helping Syrian war victims but I do not want uneducated immigrants to enter Europe, I love comedians but make fun of snowflakes, I am against certain ethnic groups abusing the discrimination-tag while creating ghettos but I am married myself to a foreigner…

Things are shifting. Liberal media insults educated people with fake news (social engineering us all) while progressive media is accused of spreading rumours, that might have been true maybe somewhere at sometime. My favourite is the CIA sponsoring of the German Axel-Springer newspapers. Was that fake news? Is generating a positive view against USA and Israel social engineering?

Tim Pool just posted this fantastic interview: [link to YouTube] (


I want to focus more in Information Operations and OSINT on my profile. I hope over the time to answer my own questions -- where we stand -- with interesting thoughts, articles, and videos. It took me only one day to figure out the value of SteemIt and I really want to participate here.