How Steemit could steal YouTubes Steam.

in #fake7 years ago (edited)

Ever since 2005 YouTube been on the vertical, Boosting the worlds education standards, created opportunities for entrepreneurs, and in a few years it could be the reason Direct TV, and other dish networks go out of business. With YouTube and its incredible low rates for advertisements, and being one of the first place people go when they log on to a computer. It’s no wonder why most business are looking at YouTube as a bargain. Compared to buying five minutes of airtime with CNBC or some of the other channel owned by a corporation. Freedom of information is what the internet is all about, and I think that is especially true when it comes to YouTube. Most people steer away from the public news, and other popular sources because we know that we are only being told part of the truth if any. YouTube has done a great job of closing that gap and allowing real journalist to pave their own way into the media without the fear of being demonized or being ridiculed. All of that may be getting ready to change. With YouTube removing ad Revenue for anything that it deems controversial, and I’m not just talking about your twerking videos here and there. I mean controversial in the since that anyone who should talk about politics, economics, or even just promoting things like wiki leaks, your videos wont earn you a penny not matter how many people watch. With good news becoming harder and harder to find, and reliable information being chased off as fake news. We are in dire need of a new system that can reward people for all their hard work, and research. That is where I think Steemit is going to come in, and since steemit doesn’t make money from ads, and focuses on getting good helpful information out to the masses from the masses.  Steemit is also harder to corrupt since it can make its money though a crypto currency. all of this is going to make it extremely difficult for big money or corporations to regulate good journalism, or our freedom of information.

Lets all help to pass the word along, We need somthing better, Lets not settle