Faith and Business
Just a little bit of history in America. Did you know that the earliest universities of the United States used to have the business classes with the religious classes? The reason was that it takes incredible faith to be in business for oneself. One has to have faith in themselves and they have to have that what they expend their energy into will have manifestation. A farmer puts seed into the ground with faith that it will yield a crop. When I was working on my MBA, I found out that most businesses do not survive the first year. It is very difficult. One has to put fear behind them and operate from faith. Business is very much a faith endeavor. In the scripture, it is repeated several times in the Torah of Moses, the book of Joshua and the wisdom of Pslams and Proverbs that you must remove fear. The first step towards prosperity is to take action and that action is to remove fear and to begin operating in the realm of faith. If you have faith you will take action. Faith in motion pushes action to be taken. In time, the crop will yield, but if there is fear, no action will take place. Now there is no guarantee but a journey only starts when you take those first steps.