Today's Gratitude: March 25, 2018

in #faith7 years ago

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March 25, 2018

Today, I’m grateful for:

  1. Being humbled. Sometimes we feel like we can figure out how to do everything, or think we already know what's going on, or simply do not want to ask for help. I've been guilty of this many times myself, I'll have to admit. And sometimes you'll be right, and sometimes you won't. In those moments when you aren't right, or aren't able to figure things out, or just get more lost, it can be very humbling to have to ask for help. However, this is what keeps our ego in check and is important in our journey to becoming a better person. So today, I'm grateful for all the times when I'm humbled, even if it stings because I thought I could do it without any help.

  2. Another day of life!

  3. God's daily lessons that he teaches us by placing certain teaching experiences in our lives.

We can never count our blessings enough, so I will look to make my gratitude different each time, as I continue to be given so much every day.

But every day, #2 will be my expression of gratitude for the chance to live another day, as it truly is a gift, not a guarantee. And #3 will always be dedicated to Him, for being our eternal guidance and our loving Father.

What are you grateful for?