Facts about the Russian Empire, which few people know

in #factsaboutrussia7 years ago
  • Founders of the American company "Metro goldwyn mayer" S. Goldwin and L.B. Mayer, who are some of the founders of the company, were with Russian roots. Throughout his life, Meyer did not speak English well and could hardly read the scripts.

  • The famous perfume "Chanel No. 5" from Coco Chanel was created by a native of Russia working in the company "Chanel" named Verigin. His compatriot helped him, the native Muscovite Ernest Bo.

  • Twenty years before Benjamin Franklin created his first lightning rod, Nevyanskaya Tower, located in the region of the Sverdlovsk region, was with a similar device. Nevyanskaya inclined tower with a height of just over sixty meters and has a deviation from the vertical to almost two meters!

  • Developer and designer Boris Lutskoy, native of Tavricheskaya guberniya, led the development of an engine for the firm "Daimler". Under the contract on each engine, on both sides, the inscription "Loutzky-Daimler" was to be affixed, but the company "Daimler" unfairly took the development to itself. The sports car Mercedes 120 PS released in 1906 was equipped with an engine development which is attributed to Boris Lutsky.
    As a Russian composer, Pyotr Shchurovsky wrote music for the hymn of the royal family of Thailand, which was the official anthem of the country until 1932.

  • Many outstanding scientists and developers of the world were our compatriots. Yablochkov and Lodygin designed the first electric light bulb, Popov managed to provide a wireless telegraph, Sikorsky developed the first helicopters and bombers, Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky managed to create a color photograph, and Zvorykin - a TV.

  • American company Ampex (AMPEX) in 1956 released the world's first video recorder. The founder of the company was Poniatov Alexander Mikhailovich. "AMR" - the abbreviated name of the company, is its initials. In pre-revolutionary times he was a colonel of the tsarist at the royal court, which gave him the right to apply to him "Your Excellency", in English translation - Exellence.

  • There is a lot of documentary evidence that indicates that the first tests of the aircraft were made by Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky almost a quarter of a century earlier than the Wright brothers did.

  • Many well-known actors and directors have Russian roots: David Duchovny, Sylvester Stallone, Steven Spielberg, Natalie Portman, Mila Jovovoch, Winona Ryder and Sean Pen. A relative of the actress Whoopi Goldberg is from Odessa.

  • The Russian scientist has constructed the first artificial heart. A phenomenal invention was created and tested in animals by Vladimir Demikhov. The money sent by his parents to a new suit he spent on buying an electric motor for his invention.