The Great Awakening Is Here, The Choice Is Yours - Episode 1532b

in #facebook7 years ago

Facebook, Google, Amazon and other social media platforms are in trouble, they will all be investigated.Clinton speaking engagements are drying up, her payment per speech is down 90%. Investigators are now linking Obama to the FISA spying. Investigations are now officially open looking into the Clinton email and Uranium deal.Yulia is now waking up, will the deep state silence her.Kim Jong Un had a successful trip to China, the dates are being set for peace talks.Trump has made the announcement that the troops are coming home from middle east. Q's boards has been attacked. Q it letting everyone know it is time to wake up, stories in the corporate media are now being pushed to begin the process. CEOs are resigning, other scandals are being brought into the light, the deep state is panicking, they are afraid.


Thanks again, Dave.

Great Video per Usual.

It is amazing how hard it is for people to even begin to consider that something is wrong with our current economic and political system. As soon as I tell them about issues in the system, they prefer to walk away and call me a conspiracy theory person. I almost feel bad for these people, they will not except that there is a problem until it is too late for them.

I am with you, people look at us like we are in panic mode. Sab but true.

I’ve been awake for a long time , and I am VERY 😡 PISSED OFF ❗️Dave could you help all of us find out where to go and get proper lawyers to sue Facebook , Google , Twitter , and YouTube out of EXISTENCE . I’ve tried googling it but I suspect that they’re not going to help us . LOL 😆 And just so it is absolutely clear to the entire world . I never gave my consent to use my information , or to spy on me . So included in that LAWSUIT should be all the secret intelligence agencies like CIA , MOSSAD , FBI , NSA ,Mi6 and any others that have looked into my privacy will be concidered by me and my family to be acts of unconstitutional behavior , and restitution must be made in any currency of value ONLY . If the PETRODOLLAR collapses then it will NOT be excepted . Payments will be excepted in land , GOLD & SILVER or any other commodities that still retain value , and this would include livestock , tools , vehicles , etc etc etc . And I would recommend to everyone to do the same including a living will so that in case of sudden death that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CRIMINALS don’t get their hands on it . I never consented to any rules regarding my body and what I did with it . I concider this statement to be a legal binding statement and I make it of my own free will . Thank you for your work . 👏👍✌️♥️👊🏻

Thank you Dave for all your work.