Facebook Addiction - 8 reasons why you have a social media addiction - Infobunny

in #facebook8 years ago (edited)

Facebook Addiction

For the majority of Facebook user's Facebook is a fun an enjoyable way of interacting with friends online. However, The Facebook Habit can quickly manifest and some users can become addicted to social media.

Here are 8 common reasons why Facebook Addiction is a problem in the modern world

Instant Updates

Facebook allows users to catch up with friends and family with, in seconds. A quick status update that goes out to all your friends can bring our page to life drawing us in. Facebook can keep us in touch much more easily with our outer circle.

I need to know

Facebook Addiction is driven by the need to know. But this is not unique to Fb, it encompasses all forms of social media addiction and internet addiction in general. Your Facebook Addiction takes it to the next level. Everything we need is at hand, what ever you are interested in is there to feed your social media addiction


Facebook offers us the possiblilty of reconnecting with old friends. Your first date, a school friend, an ex work colleague. We also like to just sit on the sidelines and watch. We are curious about what others are up to and doing on a day to day base. Facebook brings information about others public that would typically be private.


We do like to talk about ourselves ;-) Facebook gives us that window to show off, Selfies, videos, whatever we want to say can be said pretty much instantly

Misery - Someone is worse off than me

Some will revel in the misfortune or others in the same way as some will enjoy the success they see. If someones problems are worse than your own then you suddenly feel better for at least for a while. And for those sharing their misfortune, comfort is received in the form or a few likes and comments.

How many friends and followers

We need to be socially accepted . Having friends makes us feel appreciated, boosts self esteem and self-worth, The desire and need to gain followers and friends and watch the number grow can lead to excessive overuse and social addcition. The Instagram Followers Game is an example of the need to grow followers seen on Instagram.

We have time on our hands

We all lead busy lives but we do have time on our hands. Waiting for a bus or train for example offers the chance of a quick catch up. Sometimes we tell ourselves
"Im bored" so what do we do? we reach for the phone. Facebook is at hand in mobile form, accessible pretty much anywhere. News, gossip, social interaction, games they are all there to kill the time.

Someone to talk to - Someone to listen

When we have not had enough social contact with others we feel lonely. When Facebook is used in moderation, interacting with others on Facebook can provide quick relief from loneliness. And there is nothing wrong with filling this need. But when Facebook Addiction takes the place of real life social engagement then there is a problem. Because if you feel that your virtual world offers more than your real world. Then it REALLY is time to take a step back and realise you have a social media addcition

Do you have a Facebook Addiction, or a social media addiction or habit? Perhaps your even fiding yourself a little addicted to Steemit?

Leave us a comment and let us know

Regards Dexterroona


I used to be addicted to Facebook. Mostly because it gave me something to do and a sense that I wasn't alone while I made my daily commute. I lost interest in Facebook during the election and I haven't really gone back.

@irenepsmith don't go back there are much better options, im following now

I found I mostly visited Facebook when I had nothing else to do, or out of habit. Now, though, I hardly ever visit it anymore. It's because I've discovered Steemit and quite frankly, sometimes, I spend too much time here!

@playfulfoodie but at least Steemit is feeding your mind. I would say that writing and creating content that is valuable is a better use of time than indulging in the Facebook Habit

That is definitely true! Steemit holds much more interesting information and it also challenges us to improve.

I don't think I have a social media addiction, but I'm addicted to finding interesting content and posting it on Steemit. Is this an addiction?

@rossenpavlov a mild form yes... saying that im addicted to checking the comments to this post and checking hoiw it is doing in the serps ;-)

I'm addicted to Steemit! FOMO is a real condition.

I actually find FB less interesting. I have friends there, but a lot of what they post is so trivial. I block a lot of stuff they share as it's just a waste of my time.

BTW Did you see that Steemit now has drag and drop image uploads? They needed that

@steevc i think the reason im not addicted in anyway to Facebook is because i just hate the way they cheat members out of views. Your the biggest social in the land and you can make money just from the numbers but it is just not enough so we have to pay for our real social reach in the form of boost your post payments

FB users are just there to get views for ads and they make it hard for creative people to really reach their audience. I hope people will realise there are alternatives. I wonder if I should tell my friends that all the surveys they do and clickbait posts are just to profile them for ads. I just exploit FB when it is useful to me, e.g. for running a local music session.

@steevc why is it obvious to us and not others lol

this post is up to 0.91 cents i can break open my first buck soon

It's exciting to see it go up. The voters you see listed are in decreasing SP order, so you can see who helped the most. I can recommend getting into conversations here as it gets you noticed.

BTW I only get notified of direct replies to my comments, but found this one anyway.

@steevc here is a question for you... organic surf traffic does that push the earning up or is the earnings based purly on Steemit members?

What you make is purely based on steemit user votes. Views pay nothing. We need others to sign up to vote and comment

ok understood

I'm in here & BurstNation way more than Facebook these days.

What's BurstNation ? i will have to google that.. have you joined The8App yet?