Exploration-s23w4 / Communication Keys
I am trying to understand the coordinated of my location written in unclear terms like LAT 6.5244° N and LONG 3.3792° E, unless you studied geography to be frank it is very hard to understand this, or come to think of codes within behind those computer motherboard do you really understand them unless you deal with the repairs of computers or may be a computer engineer.
There is also a very interesting communication keys we used in secondary schools were we communicated without our teachers knowing and they were not too complex but though it needs your acquitance with the terms to understand, it was pronunciable, and readable as well. We called it "JUNGLE LANGUAGE", it's has become so viral in Nigeria that amongst every Gen-Z apart from the new birth are aware of that is why the need for a new communication codes/key is necessary.
Maya n1ma2 3sa ra4ba2rata nasa3sa4naga ja4hana.
No explanation to this code of mind like how @karianaporas did, but by following the code pattern will help you find your ways. Thanks @karianaporas for teaching us and bringing to our reminiscence communication keys
So message @karianporas
Screenshot from my device
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platform and that is the introduction of steem DAO
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31225nt6y, th525 4s 7 p29p9s76 9n894n8 4n th5 st5504t p67tf920 7n8 th7t 4s th5 4nt29d13t49n 9f st550 D79 25s52v5 f1nd, 766 y19 t9 d9 4s t9 3643k th5 t9p 248ht392n52 4n y912 st550 w7665t 4nt52f735, 89 t9 p29p9s76s 7nd v9t5 f92 4t.
We know cats always come with three whiskers and so is the explanation to the completely filled box in the cat key, it has nine box merged in rows and columns and the letter aranged in groups of three.
Screenshot from my device
Cat are difficult to fall on their back and so was this
lessons course, every code took a lot of time to
crack but the cat key were the most difficult, at first I
thought of dropping a comment on steemit asking
where I can get those elements.
Par aro daffapulr ro fall ol rhoar bapk ald so was rhas Lossols pourso, ovory podo rook a lor of ramo ro Prapk bur rho koy woro rho mosr daffapulr, ar farsr a rhoughr of droppalg a pommolr ol sroomar askalg whoro a pal gor rhoso olomolrs.
Cracking code is not easy i would programmers like @alejos7ven, @starchris, @kouba01, and @mohammedfaisal to take a look at this, could you identify any programming language🤣.