Want to find an idea for startup? Start by "scratching your own itch"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #experty7 years ago

Read this inspiring story from Kamil Przeorski, CEO of Experty.io

Two years ago, I became a bit of a Quora celebrity.
You see, my background is in software development.
More specifically, I've done a lot of work with ReactJS, one of the hotter web development platforms of the last few years.
So I got on Quora and started answering questions about React.
I loved it.
I could share my knowledge, build up my reputation as an expert, and make lots of connections along the way.
And people loved what I had to say. My answers racked up hundreds of thousands of views (over a million by now) and I got up to almost 2,000 followers (quite a number for Quora).
But something happened as I started to reach higher levels of success on Quora.
People I'd never met started contacting me directly with questions about programming.
At first, I was happy to help anyone.
Soon however, it became too much. As the questions flooded in, responding to them became like a part-time job, only I wasn't getting paid anything.
At the same time, many of the people who contacted me were willing to pay for a few minutes of my expertise.
Only one problem though.
There was no good way to get on a call with someone, share my knowledge, and get paid for that time, without being eaten alive by payment fees.
In fact, that was the birth of Experty.
Remember how I'm a developer?
Well, one of the first things you'll hear developers say is to "scratch your own itch."
That means you should develop products that you need yourself, because if you need them, others probably do too.
The point of Experty is to help people like me, you, or anybody else with specialized knowledge share that knowledge — and get paid in the process.
Of course, Experty is growing up.
For one thing, it's not a one-man show. We have a team of a dozen developers working on the project.
And it's not just my own itch any more. We have a bunch of ambassadors and blockchain influencers, people like Jeff Berwick and Omar Bham, who plan to start using Experty to monetize their knowledge and their audience.
And most importantly, we have thousands of people who are excited about our upcoming ICO and who are looking forward to using the Experty app.

These days bitcoin and cryptocurrency become hot topics, with billions continue to pour in as investment. Some say this whole thing is a bubble since the value bitcoin and cryptocurrency bring to people are still very limited. They are partly right - bubble or not depends on the value cryptocurrency and blockchain technology bring to society.

However my view is that, blockchain technology starts to lend itself into daily life and activities. One particular case if Experty, an application connection knowledge seekers and experts. The idea comes from the founder's own itch and gradually grow to different real-life usecases, Experty has many opportunities to become a popular app adopted by vast number of knowledge seekers and experts in the world. Blockchain technology starts to prove its value going beyond digital currency, and this is just the beginning.