Cheeseburger in paradise?

in #expatiate9 years ago (edited)

Hi all, Joe here.
This is my very first post here, and I want to say first off. I am not a writer by any stretch of the imitation.

Up until 7 years ago my life was nothing to write about anyway.
Who would care about a nobody country-boy from northern Wisconsin.

22 years ago I met and married my wonderful Filipina wife, and we have 2 children together. We have traveled to the Philippines many times.
These travels are part of what sparked my interest in seeing what is out there and our travels have truly opened my eyes for good and bad.
Over the years, and I am sure like many of you, your eyes start open as time passes. You begin to see the rat-race for what it is. Who has not dreamt of getting away from it all, living on a tropical island? I started reading more and more of such sites as the dollar vigilante and the sovereign man.
These sites focus much time on the expatiate (permanent tourist) lifestyle.

After many years of planning and research we bought a rather large plot of land (by local standards) in the Philippines for our future retirement home.
Fast forward to 2009, we cut the cord. Sold the house, cars…everything we did not need or could not bring by law. Everything else went into a 40ft cargo box and I am officially a expat.

I can not even to begin to tell you the fear I felt. How much weight I lost from the anxiety was crushing. Giving up everything I have ever known to go to the other side of the world. A stranger, in a strange land as it were.
Now I have something to write about.

I guess I will end this for now, as I only want this to be a short introduction about me and what I am up-to at this point.

If you happen to find this topic of interest to you, please let me know. If you have questions, again, please let me know.


sounds like yo have a great adventure to tell us about, caught wait to read it. A couple of hints, add a picture of you or something to make your post standout. I think you want to combine soveriegnman so that will be one of the tags instead the way it is now being to tags.

Thank you for the advice @pheonike. As I said, I am new to this, but I will try to add photos and or vids as i learn more how this all works. Thanks again for the feedback !