
in #exercise6 years ago

Okay so, due to updated domestic life circumstance, I'll only be available for two days at the gym every week. I just got back from my first half-week out of town and did some asking around before hitting the gym. I took what I got from the three or four people who were willing to talk on it at all and improvised a little. I'll list it here in a way that is hopefully a little less cumbersome on the length of the post.
Ultimately, I wanted to make up for the one day I'm losing at the gym by making each day a little more strenuous, so that I'm still gaining.

Their combined advice gave me enough material to work with to create a regimen that actually had me feeling like I was at the gym, while I was at it. There were times where I doubted I'd be able to finish my sets with everything I normally do. The first hour I was there was me arguing with myself on whether or not to still do my sets maxing out all the machines/adding 10-20 lbs to my machine-less weights)
All of them have my gratitude. They've helped me get even more out of every trip there.

tl;dr: I am now doing 3 sets every gym day.

Bike(Cardio): 30 minutes. Level 6. Average RPM: 118.

Bench Press (95 lbs): 30 reps. I'm still growing slowly...but supposedly keeping my elbows tucked in is the right form. So I'm sticking with it like a good lad.

Pec Fly(100 lbs): 30 reps.
Pec Fly (150 lbs): 30 reps.
Pec Fly (170 lbs): 10 reps.

Abdominal Fuse (100 lbs): 30 reps.
Abdominal Fuse (150 lbs): 30 reps.
Abdominal Fuse (170 lbs): 10 reps.

Leg Extension(100 lbs): 30 reps.
Leg Extension (150 lbs): 30 reps.
Leg Extension (170 lbs): 10 reps.

Seated Leg Curl(100 lbs): 30 reps.
Seated Leg Curl (150 lbs): 30 reps.
Seated Leg Curl (170 lbs): 10 reps.

Leg Press (100 lbs): 30 reps.
Leg Press (150 lbs): 30 reps.
Leg Press (220 lbs): 10 reps.

Chest Press(100 lbs): 30 reps.
Chest Press (150 lbs): 19 reps.
Chest Press (170 lbs): 5 reps.

Shoulder Press(100 lbs): 30 reps.
Shoulder Press (150 lbs): 30 reps.
Shoulder Press (170 lbs): 10 reps.

Lateral Pull-Down (100 lbs): 30 reps.
Lateral Pull-Down (150 lbs): 30 reps.
Lateral Pull-Down (170 lbs): 3 reps. My arms gave out on me halfway through the 4th, but I still held it for 15 seconds before I let it drop.

Lower Back Fuse(100 lbs): 30 reps.
Lower Back Fuse (150 lbs): 30 reps.
Lower Back Fuse (170 lbs): 10 reps.

Seated Row(100 lbs): 30 reps.
Seated Row (150 lbs): 30 reps.
Seated Row (170 lbs): 5 reps. I couldn't do it, not with the addition of all the other stuff. Pathetic. I will do better next time.

Bicep Curl(15 lbs): 30 reps.
Bicep Curl (35 lbs): 21 reps. I did these a bit differently thanks to the advice of one of my aussie weebs. Ultimately I decided to go with a "Concentration Curl" instead of the normal standing double-curl I was doing. I figured it would be best to throw some variety of motion that muscle group's way. Anything to keep it growing, since that's one of my, like...two problem areas.
Bicep Curl (45 lbs): 2 reps. I fucking couldn't, maaaan....I actually felt like I was at the gym while I was at it today.

Tricep Extension (20 lbs): 20 reps with the left arm emphasized, 20 with the right. Breezed riiiight through.
Tricep Extension(45 lbs): 20 reps with the left arm emphasized, 20 with the right.
Tricep Extension (55 lbs): 10 reps with the left arm emphasized, 10 with the right. I surprised myself with how easy this one was for me.

Weighted sit-ups: Two 10 lb plates on my chest, maximum incline, 30 reps.

Weighted back raises (Draping myself from the waist down across a bench, raising from the waist up until back is straight with one 25 lb plate clasped on my chest) 30 reps. The biggest issue with continuing the set with this one was my arse. It was on fucking fire before I'd even gotten to rep 15.

Incline Elliptical(Cardio): 30 minutes, level 6 difficulty. Managed a constant of 153 RPM average. What rare times I fell below 150 for a split second, I only exploded right back up to 155, 159, 162.

Power Press/Reverse-grip Bicep Curl: 70 lbs. 15 reps. It's pitiful that I couldn't do better than this. I will do better next time or do an extra penal half hour of cardio.

Deadlift (155 lbs): 20 reps. According to the stupid fucking calculator one of my former bosses showed me, my supposed maximum Deadlift should be in the neighborhood of 258 lbs now. Making this the next lift I've already gotten to be higher than my bodyweight. #Progress

Side-Curls: 80 lbs. 30 to the left, 30 to the right. While I know a minimum involvement from the fingers is required to complete a rep, I still found myself fumbling more with my spread out mental faculties on this one than actually strained by the exercise. Basically all I was doing was sitting at the ab-fuse sideways, reaching my farthest arm up to the handles over my head, and leaning sideways away from the seat.

Tonight's musics come from the Metal Gear Rising soundtrack. I've been discovering that there were two separate tracks. The "Maniac Agenda" mix, which was what version of the song played during boss fights, and the "Platinum" versions, which were proper tracks that generally were the finer cropped product that they felt good with calling complete. "The Only Thing I Know For Real".

This one held true to the general rule with most music I come to love. It took a sec to grow on me. As in, listen to it once, wait a month or four, listen to it again, wait again. And then I suddenly go back and listen a third time because of sheer nostalgia/sudden twisting of my tastes.

Enjoy, folks.