You might be less likely to injure yourself
You might be less likely to injure yourself
The scientific evidence on this one is iffy, but incorporating stretching into your warm-up—never try to stretch cold muscles—might help your body get ready for exercise as well as switch your brain into "workout mode.Stretching can't totally eliminate injury, but it could certainly help from a mindset perspective by getting you more focused so you're less likely to make an ouch-inducing misstep. Try a few minutes of dynamic stretching, like arm circles and lunges, before you really get going.

Girls always conscious for her health...
Thanks for guidance them ..
Nice post
Good advice. As I’m getting older I see the benefits of stretching much more than I used to.
Thank you very much for the comments sir, i'm gonna follow you ! @newcastle
I gotta do some sounds like a great thing to do to get ready for the summer
Thank you so much dear sir, i'm gonna follow you, actually i'm very new in this platform so i need all of your help to grow up in steemit family, @waltliquor
I think warming should be done before exercising to avoid muscle injuries and muscle cramps.
stretching is very important and I will try, good post