Exemestane Aromasin used in PCT Cycle

in #exemestane6 years ago

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Anti Estrogen Steroids Powder Exemestane Aromasin in PCT

Why Use Exemestane in PCT

Aromasin has the ability to increase free Testosterone and IGF (Insulin Growth Factor) levels in the body. Because of this, this drug is also very useful during PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) regimes when one is trying to restore natural Testosterone production levels in order to avoid a post cycle "crash". Since one of the main goals of PCT is getting estro under control, the very last thing you want is a big estro spike right at the end. Aromasin prevents this from occurring, keeping estrogen under control, preventing rebound and getting you on the right track to a full and efficient recovery

Exemestane Dosage

In a study, Aromasin dosed at 25mg per day increased total testoste by 60% in only 10 days. Even better than that, is the fact that free (useable) testoster increased over 100% in the same time frame! In addition, Aromasin also increases IGF-1 levels. There is no estrogen rebound from Aromasin, and it is also a very powerful and effective treatment for gynecomastia. All of this makes Aromasin a no-brainer for post cycle therapy as well as on cycle estrogen control.

What happens when taking Exemestane in higher dosage?

The more you take, the greater is suppressed estrogen level and this, as we said above, is bad for your health. However, in short term, you can do it. If you prepare for a competition and want to get a ripped, dry look than you can take Aromasin in higher dosage but for no longer than 48 hours. Within this frame of time, estrogen level is very low and keeping it this another 24 hours can leads to serious health problems, beginning with your joints, immune system, cholesterol level and others.

The best would be to stuck to a dosage of 20-25 mgs per day and only in rare cases go over this limit and reach your goal. The more careful you are with it use, the higher chances to make Aromasin use very beneficial for your body and to keep unwanted side effects far away.

Exemestane Half -life

The half-life of Aromasin is only about 9 hours, and clears quickly. However, because of how effective Exemestane
is at eliminating Aromatase enzymes (80-90% after administration), estrogen levels will remain low up to 72 hours after a single dose of 25mg. This is why aromasin is very effectively dosed every other day. In one study, users were still 40% below baseline estrogen values 72 hours after their dose. This makes aromasin very versatile for dosing and not require more frequency

When to begin PCT

On average, begin PCT approximately 5-10 days after your last injection regardless of longer acting esters. Begin PCT 1-3 days after your last injection and/or intake when using short acting esters.

Tags: Exemestane, Aromasin, PCT cycle, steroid powder, bodybuilding, Aromasin dosage, pure Exemestane raw powder