Overview of the Chinese stock exchanges cryptocurrency.
In the past year, trading volumes on the stock exchanges cryptocurrency China far exceed the trade on other exchanges. Unfortunately due to the difficulties of translation and complete closure of the Chinese market information for all running exchanges in China it can not be given in a sufficiently complete form.

There are three major exchanges in China cryptocurrency that generate turnover from 80 to 92% of the world market cryptocurrency. Relatively small ,, ,, Exchange, comparable to the major exchanges in Europe can not be seen, and go directly to the leaders of the industry.

Exchange founded in 2011 and has long been the only leader in the trading volumes in cryptocurrency. exchange turnover at the beginning of 2015 amounted to 120 000 PTS day ..!
Furthermore Exchange offers a variety of services at very cryptocurrency, involving many more people are in its ranks.
In order to trade on the stock exchange must provide your telephone number, name and surname, the documents identifying the person and some additional information.
Available for trading such cash currencies like USD, CNY, HKD.
Market has its own mining, but the manual is in Chinese only.
At the stock exchange there is a multifunctional exchange, its own substation.
All transactions in the stock exchange are subject to a very small fee, which is what sets this exchange among others.
Trades available via BTC and LTC cryptocurrency, paired with only CNY.
Input and output cryptocurrency takes place in semi-automatic mode with the payment of a standard commission miners. Adding to the USD, HKD is possible with the help of international transfer system with no deductions.
Following two exchanges rightfully occupy first place in the world in terms of trading volume cryptocurrency.
The first of them: OKCOIN

Exchange with highly developed infrastructure, working with futures contracts, spot market trading in Bitcoins index, etc. Daily turnover in 2016 during peak load exceeded $ 480 mln., Only cryptocurrency turnover could reach up to 180 000 PTS. From the beginning of the exchange operations were carried out only for the CNY, later the possibility of trading for the USD was added.
To work on the platform and withdrawal requires verification.
Introduced futures trading and index BTC and LTC
Added margin opportunity to work on the spot and futures markets.
Trades are conducted in currencies: USD and CNY
Cryptocurrency: BTC, LTC
Trading fees from 0.2% to 0% depending on the trading volume.
The second largest market is, Huobi

Exchange is the second. and sometimes the first place in terms of trading in cryptocurrency, giving way only OKCOIN.
The turnover of the stock exchange during peak periods was 95 000-100 000 PTS.
Recently, the company has significantly expanded the list of offered services.
Each new service Huobi aimed at increasing the diversity of operations and opportunities offered by the exchange.
All service companies operate in both Chinese and English.
It has its own pool of mining.
Trades are conducted in currencies: USD and CNY
Cryptocurrency: BTC, LTC

Chinese exchanges continue to fight for first place in global trade volumes, trade cryptocurrency for the yuan is now three times higher than the transaction in dollars. Analysts and stock operators argue that the dominance of China in the Bitcoin trade is largely due to macro factors and specifics of China's economy, given the kind of investment climate in China and warned that the current volume indicators can mask an accurate picture of the volume of trading on Bitcoin.
Technical Director OKCoin previously expressed his opinion about the specifics of Chinese investments stating that the range of assets available to retail investors in China is relatively limited and is under strict government control.
There is not a lot of assets or businesses where else to invest, and this, combined with the increase in purchasing power leads to contact Bitcoin.
While macroeconomic factors may partly explain the Chinese leadership in the Bitcoin trade, some paid services imposed on Chinese stock exchanges, can give additional impetus to increase the number of transactions.
Such services have been introduced such as trade structure OKCoin, after which trading volumes have grown strongly. Since users are more trade, they accumulate "reward points" that allow them to take more yuan for the margin trading, trading freely borrowed funds CNY-BTC on OKCoin and Huobi.
Author: @moneymaker