Introducing Evil Anonymous

in #evil8 years ago

Hi my name is Gary and I a proud to introduce Evil Anonymous to the world! There is well over 30 Anonymous groups, ranging from Alcoholics Anonymous, EA- Emotions Anonymous, DA - Debtors Anonymous, SA - Smokers Anonymous and now we can add to the list, "Evil Anonymous"! My understanding comes from having life saving, changing results from Alcoholics Anonymous. So I came up with the idea why not try to help people with Evil and apply the same 12 step program which pretty much all these anonymous groups use. This will be a very controversial site and organization to say the least. But I cannot sit back and watch and listen anymore, I am reaching out to the evil doers and offering hope. If you want help, the 12 step program will be modified to suite our needs in the coming days. Be patient, to kick things off I have narrated a book by Jeremy Locke, "The End Of All Evil". It is only 3 hours and well worth the listen.

In order for evil to exist there has to be good, otherwise we have nothing to compare evil too. Now if evil was the norm. There would be only one person on this planet and he'd probably cannibalize himself, (after doing everyone else in),seeing himself as a threat! We do not have to look to far to see all the injustices in world and we do not have to look to far to see all the good. Evil exists because we allow it to exist. Not all people choose to ignore the cruelty in this planet, there are some brave souls that are tackling this problem on a daily basis. We ignore and hope to god someone else deals with it. So I am reaching out to the evil ones who sincerely know what they do is wrong and in-just. I need you to find your conscience, your heart, your soul and realize at the end of the day you make a difference, either negative or positive.

I am just getting this site and organization set-up, so be patient. If you are sincere about changing your ways. This will be a good place to vent, anonymously! One more thing, Evil has to be an Addiction, there are those who keep doing this over and over again, either for money, you have been compromised, black mailed, etc... One thing I have learned in life there is always a solution and a better way.

If life were simple, we'd all be living it. Guess what? Life is simple, so lets live it!