my life s journey

in #everyone7 months ago

hello my fellow steemians ,
i know that its been a long time since i posted something here , but now i thought to share a little bit of my story , since i am facing a dead end and i am kind of desperate.
Unfortunately this year didn t go so well for me ,
it started with a covid catch up , that took me one and a half month to recover ,
continuing my bad luck,i had a motor bike accident , which took me another two months to fully recover and on top of all that , recently i lost my job also. On top of all that , my father got sick and now i have to take care of him , so for the next weeks , i will not be able to work.
I am not the kind of person that giving up easily ,but now i am facing some real big financial troubles.
When i was better ( financially speaking ) , i was always helping other people to stand on their feet,
now ( and it is hard for me to admit ) , i am the one that needs help.
Please do not consider this post as a beg for money , rather than a believe that communities such as steemit ,can and should be the solution to people s problems . Strong communities , make strong people.
If you want to be part of the solution ,
you could donate any ammount of crypto that you can afford , whithout creating you any problems
and also repost this , so many could see it.
Even a small ammount ,if many people decide to help , could be important and really save me from the bills that have been gathered unpaid and many troubles.
trust address.jpg

Bellow i will share a picture of my Trust wallet for any TRX on tron network ( trc-20 ) you would like to send me
( i choose trx for the low transaction fees and the fast coming , since i am in great need )

I hope this message find s you well , and most of all healthy ( you, yourself, and your beloved ones ).



Thank you in advance , either you decide to help or not....