ETHEREUM LIMITED - Intelligent platform creation and implementation of contracts

About Ethereum Limited
Ethereum Limited is a smart contracting platform. We noticed that not everyone has the ability to write smart contracts because it requires some level of programming skill so we decided to make it easier for everyone to make smart contracts.
Due to the creation of Ethereum Limited Ecosystem, people who need smart contracts will flock to the Ethereum network - making it more successful. Lower transaction costs, faster turnover, automation and immutability are just some of the benefits we offer.
Smart contracts have the characteristics that many types of contractual clauses can be partially or completely self-executing, forced execution or both. The purpose of intelligent contracting is to provide superior security to traditional contract law and reduce other transaction fees associated with the contract. Some cryptocurrencies already apply the type of smart contracts, among them, the best known is Ethereum, thanks to the new tokens ERC20.
Work Smart contracts can record the exact number of hours an employee works to track performance and also to provide a salary salary.
Ethlimited usage allows users to create decentralized apps, dApps, on platforms.
Ease of use
- Our user-friendly smart contracting platform. Thousands of ready-to-use templates to choose from will be available for customization.
Minimum Cost
- Using our contract templates and smart platforms will not harm your budget. It will cost less than a cup of coffee.
- Can not find smart contract template that does not fit your needs? Need a custom template, but can not do it alone? Hire other platform users through our Marketplace.
- We will accept Eth limited, Ethereum, and Bitcoin as payment to use our platform. We may add some cryptocurrency in the future.
ETL Project
- Blockchain Technology
- Advanced Security System
- Multi currency Coins
- Accept Fiat & Crypto
- Secure Internal Wallet
- No Non-Charge Contract
About token
- Standard Token: ERC-20
- Token Name: ETHL
- Maximum token amount: 10,000,000
- Public sale: 6,000,000 (30% Crowdsale Bonus)
- Price: 1 ETHL = 0,5 USD

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White Paper:
Author: sosisbakar12
BTT Profile:;u=1865067