Get a Free CryptoPuppy and Guaranteed Dividends with Buy of the Day!
CryptoPupies has Begun
CryptoPupies has launched. I'm not sure exactly when because I've been so busy with EtherStocks . When I found out I ran in and collected some cheap Gen-0's just in case this game takes off. Basically it has the same functionality and gameplay as CryptoPupies, but they will have a bunch of new games for your puppies to play. I'm in the giving mood, so lets get someone a new Gen-1 CryptoPuppy! Just upvote, follow, resteem, and comment with your CryptoPupies Wallet Address. I will choose one random lucky winner. If you don't have a CryptoPupies Litter, Get one Here
EtherStocks BUY of the Day
A while back, I made a promise that we wouldn't solely focus on featured stocks at EtherStocks . Here is our first act on that promise. The BUY of the Day is OIL. The entire EtherStocks community will be focusing all buys on OIL for the next 12 Hours. I will personally make a .2 ETH deposit in 12+ Hours. The faster you get your buy in, the more dividends you will make.
I love this cute kitties and puppies in the blockchain. Maybe this is the future of pets. But I still love my living dog. haha
They are cute aren't they
kittens and now dogs, what is next mickey "mouses"...
Thanks for this great offer I would open a cryptopuppy wallet as quickly as possible.
i have got some of these TRX Dogs .

sounds a great offer you have shared. Right now I can't afford but wish many people will have this offer.
the cryptopuppy is free
Good post... stay with me. Followed nw
Ooo interesting, cryptopuppies!
also, who won the last guess the stock marketcap? I think I was close xP
I'll announce it on the next post
Excelente Post! saludos desde Venezuela.
Awesome post. Thank you.
How it work? How is the payment system?