Signed up for Ethermon - Claimed my 3 Free Starter Mons today

in #ethermon4 years ago


Ethermon made it's first appearance in 2017. Back than it was still known as Etheremon. It was not until some months later that I took my first steps into Cryptoland and while I had already heard of projects like Crypto Kitties, the whole NFT scene was too much to wrap my head around at the time. As a matter of fact, I did not learn what NFTs were until I was invested into Splinterlands with several thousand USD already.

When I eventually discovered Ethermon I thought of it as yet another Crypto Kittie/Pokémon clone and disregarded it. And while that thought seems to still be correct, projects like Axie Infinity and Binamon have shown that these clones are by no means deemed to be unsuccessful.

Why try now?

I like free stuff. When signing up for Ethermon you receive three starter Ethermons (sounds familiar?) that you can use to start battling right away (well, with a 24h cooldown, actually - probably an anti-bot measure).



These Mons are SWAG that are held off-chain, so you cannot sell or trade them. But you can start playing for free and take your first dip into prized tournaments.


While your chances to rank will admittedly be low to non-existent with just the starter Mons, there are also other quests to complete for rewards and Mons to unlock and claim.



A little Treat from CoinMarketCap

CoinMarketCap started a Diamond Rewards Program lately, where you can claim Diamonds for daily logins.


These can be exchanged for NFT rewards, that sell out super fast. Today I was lucky and logged in just in time to claim a code for a free Ethermon. It's a guaranteed Mon with a tiny chance to receive a legendary Mon. I'll be able to claim it on August 25th and am super excited for which Mon I'm going to get.

There used to be other promotions like two free Mons on the Polygon network (fka Matic) but I can't find those anymore. Yet, this gives hope that there may be more free Mons up for grabs from time to time.


By the way, if you're not yet claiming your free CMC diamonds every day, I suggest you start right away. The NFT rewards (should you be able to get your hands on one) are awesome. They even have a unique legendary MOBOX NFT sitting there. A previous one of these sold for 60,000 BUSD!


Ethermon's Game Modes


The team is currently completely rebuilding the Ethermon universe. What started as a mere 2D battler (a game mode that is still active and supported) is now expanding into the Metaverse.

There is also an Adventure mode, that is currently under construction. In this mode you send your Mons on an Adventure and after a time they return bringing home some loot they found on their way. Sending a Mon on an adventure cost a gas fee, that became quite imbalanced towards the earned loot. This seems to be the main reason why they are reworking Adventure mode.

The team has also taken other measures to make the game gas-friendlier, like implemented the off-chain items and the basically gas-free Polygon network.


Brand new is the expansion into Decentraland where Ethermon owns land. In this expansion you can take your Mons on 3D adventures and interact with other players in real-time!


For those less interested in playing and more in investing, it should be mentioned that Ethermon also implements Renting and Lending features to earn a passive income from the Mons you are holding.


Sign up for free to get your Starter Mons or check out the whitepaper for additional information.


Disclaimer: No financial advice included in this article. Just sharing my personal experience. Do your own research!

Some links in the article might be referral links, feel free to use other sign-up methods.

Images taken from

This is a re-published post from my account on the HIVE blockchain.