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RE: Ethereum Mining with Google Cloud (Nvidia Tesla K80) actually works and is highly profitable

in #ethereum8 years ago

Hello @grunzwanzling,

I'm really surprised by your post, i'm actually running a cluster with 20 GPU K80 and i'm definitely not able to reach more than ~250Mh/s.

I made long researches and tests on Azure and on GCE trying to optimize and setup the best as possible my miners.
Actually the K80 is reaching at maximum 15.6Mh/s per GPU.

I tried on Azure yesterday same results... also on GCE using 1 GPU K80 same results. I met a lot of people using K80 or who has used one and nobody reached 1700MH/S with 8 K80 GPU.

Can you describe a little bit more how did you reach that hash-rate : miner ? pool ? because that sounds totally scammy.


I'm only getting 8MH/s per K80 now with the DAG size increase. How are you still getting 15.6MH/s ?