
Are you a programmer - because I am - and I can tell you ETH is using Javascript

ETH uses Javascript but smart contracts typically are programmed in Solidity. The problem is Solidity isn't a mature, safe, or good choice in terms of language. Tezos and EOS can now eat Ethereum's cake simply by having a better language and better libraries.

As far as I know, Solidity does not even have a standard library.

Is really Javascript needed instead of Solidity for the application subject of discussion - smart contracts - hard to say yes and to agree with you guys - why should be Javascript be better FOR smart contacts

Javascript is great.. for.. web development ... for great UI and UX on browser and modern phones... but not for Smart Contracts..

I actually think that Solidity - it's better for a Smart Contract ... because of simplicity!! Not everyone can learn Javascript - but Solidity and ETH Smart Contracts yes... it's matter of a week and you can MASTER Solidity and ETH Smart Contracts...

Also - Can you please answer a question @dana-edwards

Do you think it does really matter the language used to build a software

If yes - why

Isn't more important the market and the real applications, maybe? Like working to bring EOS/ETH or whatever you are fun - on your local market... at your tabacco store.. or your supermarket... ??? These endless competition online makes no sense - if you want to promote your favorite coin @dana-edwards or @joseph / @thecryptofiend / @kyle.anderson - stop posting online and go outside in the real world and start PROMOTING and PROVIDING real TOOLS to EVERYDAY people and business... for EVERYDAY situations... it doesn't matter if is Solidity or Javascript... it doesn't matter you have 10000 followers... or make 1000$ on steemit.. if there is no market for it...or am I wrong?

No I'm not a programmer. Doesn't change how I feel about it either way. Also you already said that.

Science is not about feelings - if you search for that - no coin will never do good for you.

Thanks I don't need your advice I choose to think for myself. Further it seems you are intent on spamming this thread.

Yes, you read that right, he used the word "lawyers" - plural. Better call Saul.

I still haven't watched that yet.

Oh God an amazing show, episode one might seem boring, but once you are into episode three you won't stop watching. I watched 2 seasons in one week.

I will definitely watch it - the only thing is I have gotten used to binge watching entire shows from start to finish - that's what I did with Breaking Bad. If I start watching BCS I might not be able to wait for the following seasons - I'm too impatient!

JavaScript is a programming language not an Advice. You are the only one doing spam here - posting fantasy comments and affirming ETH use no Javascript. Where's the spam I do - please stop defame otherwise my lawyers will be happy to deal with you.

ROFL - first you spam the thread with the same content over and over again. Now you talk about lawyers. You can't even follow a single argument with any logic or rationality and you seem to be incapable of even understanding that. Please contact your lawyers I could use a good laugh.

Ethereum uses JS as well - see GITHUB

quote from GITHUB - third party element - Ethereum implements a javascript runtime environment (JSRE) that can be used in either interactive (console) or non-interactive (script) mode.

Ethereum's Javascript console exposes the full web3 JavaScript Dapp API and the admin API.