Start using Brave - Browser That Uses Crypto on Top!
I wrote a guide about Brave long ago and i have been using it since some time.
The browser is fast, efficient, secure and uses BAT tokens (soon in more ways) on top.
Today i got mailed that blog was chosen for their promo program.
If you never used it, consider to download and install using this link. Im not exactly sure what will my blog get exactly but its worth trying. Its eating way less memory than Chrome or Mozilla.
BAT Markets
As usual, my fav exchanges are on top if you don't have accs yet make them for Binance and Bittrex asap.
Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @kingscrown creator of blog for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips! |
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u can RT for visibility - brave team tagged there -
Hi @kingscrown,
It seems you got a $36.564 upvote from @kingscrown at the last minute before the payout. (23.2h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.
Please follow @abusereports for additional reports of reward pool abuse. Thank you.
The reviews seem really good, but I see no reason to switch from Chrome for now. If however the browser starts awarding users with BAT tokens for viewing ads, I could be persuaded to switch.
I've never heard of this browser, have to read more about it
i agree
It seems like we are moving for a facedown. Everything owned by big guys like Amazon/FB/Google/MSFT vs ones backed by the blockchain kids. 11st world war of cyber space. it's gonna be epic.
Think it will be more win-win. Not sure if it has to have a big loser this time around. That was more the old system. This new era it's more about win-win. We will have less of these Myspace moments where something mega crash. Because humans are getting smarter and learn what has been bad in the past to do. So we get better habits and routines that increase our long term winning gains and track record. If someone does something amazing then it will benefit the whole community. In this case the whole Internet community. Remember the so called big guys was once just the little kids in a garage.
The interesting thing about the Internet on the other hand is how you now get all these people from different niches competing in the same online space. And everyone is constantly copying what others are doing that works. If Snapchat do something that works then everyone copies them. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and more! Literally everyone! This makes it so the end user get more options and a overall better product.
I do agree that it will be epic on the other hand! With so many different businesses now working in this field with tons of money we will see interesting developments the upcoming years. And it will be a long battle! Clearly the ones who get the most powerful AI computer first will win this game eventually. That is a thing that even worries high level business owners and world leaders!
Started using it a week ago, really great browser
What's the difference to a common browser?
Amazing adblocking. Even manages to block ads that adblock doesn't plus it has it's own crypto.
Ah ok thank you for your help! :) I will definetly check it out
the best browser imho
I don't agree, it is far too slow and has zero plugins, once these are sorted out, it will be the best browser, I hope it does happen though.
That's a very nice one I think
It especially has a cool CEO behind it! Best browser now yes but I want to have the ability to earn value just by browsing inside the Brave browser. Because clearly that must be worth something for someone out there? Since our attention is limited. And our Time too!
Also if it's something we have learned about the Crypto and Token industry then it is to go research the people behind the coins. So we don't get another BitConnect moment. So who are they behind something? What is their previous projects? Some also get lucky if they just did 1 major project. So may be good to look a bit deeper. Right now after Brave browser I would say Firefox comes in strong. Google Chrome has tasteless engineer UI. Firefox has added more soul to the web experience with nicer menus.
Maybe I need to take a look at what Opera is doing. They had a nice mobile web browser that I could remember on my Nokia 6070 around 10 years ago. The good old days when you browsed the Internet on a mega tiny screen! Brave browser reminds me a bit about Opera browser for some reason.
I think Opera is quite good. Especially because it has a built in VPN.
Nice! Clearly that could be very useful while browsing the web. Some sites that tries to block you if you are from a certain region. Can't believe we still struggle with that in 2018. It's a global world now. Countries only exist on paper!
Yes and it doesn't seem to slow it down too much.
what potential does it have in near future
guy who created javascript made this browser. good enough ? :)
don't forget firefox
yeah :)
That's it I'm in!
Right now more normal potential. But the potential can skyrocket (literally) if Elon Musk gets involved in the project. But I do agree with you that it would be awesome if they had some feature that made it truly stand out from the competition! Since there are lots of browser option people have these days. Especially on Android the selection you have between great browsing experience is insane!
I suppose that iOS is a bit more dry when it comes to browsing experience options since Apple likes too much control. Apple lost most of it's hardcore geeks when jailbreaking became harder. So Brave browser over there will probably struggle a bit with it's potential. Apple even want to control you so much that they removed the headphone jack so you have to buy an overpriced adapter!
Main potential right now seems to be for advertisers to get in on the Basic Attention Tokens. They got the logo down real sharp I could see on coinmarketcap! A bit illuminati feels. Still a bit down from it's all time high around a month ago. For the regular consumer I don't really see the major selling point. Since block ads has been around for years now.
And reward other websites with Tokens will probably take at least a couple of years before it really starts to take off in a nice way. So right now it seems like we are mainly going to play the waiting game. Super curious when the Google guys will be starting to talk more about Crypto and Tokens. Then we finally can see if the big bad wolf got what it takes to compete with these new geeks on the block!
best browser right now
What makes it different to other browsers?
Yep been using it since last Sept. This browser has come a long way in that time and has become my new fav!!
Besides being based on a crypto, Brave is an excellent browser! I use it constantly now!