Indorse The Decentralized Professional Network build on Ethereum - ICO Phase

in #ethereum8 years ago

This is another interesting token built on top of Ethereum and there are few days left to invest into it.

For start check their video.

From the looks this will be something like Linked-in but where everything is decentralized and for actions and interactions with users you get paid in tokens.

These guys already got 30k ETH but there is still spot for 20k more and around 10 days to do so.

Since we already know that social medias are the top of trending online stuff (hey, we are on Steemit right now!) a network for endorsing, listing and rating skills might be a bull's eye.

So you wonder how its gonna work? Check their Proof of Concept

No fancy design there, this is just to show the engine.

Worth noting that WINGS platform is predicting they will gather 44k ETH.

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Always do your own research, i share here ideas and hits but you need to do your homework.
To learn more check their site directly or a longer write-up on this @


I bet HitBTC will list this token as first exchange since they are currently super fast with Ethereum tokens and we can expect this one to go up like STX, ADX.

Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @kingscrown creator of blog for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips!


Looks like an interesting project!

It IS an interesting project!

I am asking myself what should a developer do if he is a node.js developer but doesn`t have any public repository on github. How can he claim his ability ? All in all an interesting project to watch for.

What can you do on it? Post content? Earn? What, exactly?

I think with Indorse you can verify your claims from other people. Currently, If you go to a linkedIn profile, a lot of informations/claims could be fake. So if you have a profile at Indorse your claims are much more valuable because people with knowledge verified it.

I have a home I would love to sell for bitcoin. I wish there was a good escrow setup, but as of yet none.


Hahaha. Hi! My name is dewdrop. Thanks for taking my pictures 😂🤣

Well, this looks like a good time!

Photo by me

Upvote by me. Thanks for the grass. Lol

LOLOL it is not the grass but the blades of grass and the dew. The age of the grass as well, grasshopper. You only see grass, while I see birth and congregation.

Continue a trend :D
Photo by Yuri Budilnikov.

What do you think of their team @kingscrown?
Did you invest?

Hi @kingscrown. Thank you for the post. Reading it made me go and do more research about Indorse. I have reached the conclusion that it is not a good investment for me.

You see, LinkedIn has a huge network already and a great product too. Why would a professional leave that and use Indorse?! The reward is simply not enough. Of course, there will be some people trying to trick the system to get some rewards, but I believe that most professionals will not.

Here's an angle @sadekj: Cryptocurrency has a bad or mysterious connotation in many circles, the whole fear-of-the-unknown thing. Referring LI connections to an alternate blockchain-based site for professionals could serve as a good way to introduce blockchain and cryptocurrency concepts to the masses. Once we have mass adoption, Indorse could end up becoming the bandwagon that less-informed corporate types jump on. Then again, would that be enough to keep the platform viable in the long run? In the end, its all a gamble until we see product!

A good point, @nofiat. However, I would rather put my money somewhere less risky. What is wrong with steem, bitcoin and ether ?

Too many ICOs and too many new blockchain based stuff we are hearing about everyday

Trying to keep up,, but it's becoming really difficult

This is going crazy

I agree @malekalmsaddi. It has become a gold rush. However, what everyone seems to miss is that the blockchain is not suitable for everything. It is very similar to the Internet craze. Only projects who are really benefiting from the blockchain will stay.

The wild west of blockchain!

Yes, I completely understand your sentiment


I am still a bit dubious on the huge number of these ICO's. For me I'd rather put it in something established - lower risk - but yeah, lower return!

What is wrong with btc ? Its roi is good. In my experience, btc outperforms most of these icos eventually. I don't invest in a another project unless I see a really solid opportunity. Otherwise, I would stick with btc.

They will definitely weed themselves out

In my home I would like to sell for bitcoin. I wish there was one of the best escrow setup, but as of yet none.