Why are big companies so interested in Ethereum?

in #ethereum8 years ago

Ether is the second most used currency in the world after bitcoin, and so much is its popularity that some experts claim that it could get over it. With such a promising future, it is not surprising that big companies have looked at it. Microsoft, IBM or Deloitte have begun to invest seriously in this blockchain.


To understand the interest of these companies, we must first understand what are the characteristics that define the ether market and its operation.

All transactions carried out with ethers are registered, can not be canceled and regulate the double expense. They can be used in several ways, such as to pay for a product, to buy or simply as an investment.

The aforementioned transactions are grouped in blocks, and each one that arises generates a new ether, which causes that money is created progressively. For each block, the prize is 5 ethers, which are distributed among all the miners who have collaborated.

Unlike bitcoin, which is expected to stop producing in 2140, the ether is unlimited, and part of the funds of its creation come from crowdfunding. Therefore, a large amount of the coin belongs to all those who supported the idea initially. As there is no maximum number of ethers defined, this virtual currency, unlike bitcoin, is not deflationary.

On the other hand, the programming of Ethereum is simpler and allows to perform more actions than Bitcoin. The fact that it is so practical helps developers design applications faster and with less effort. Ethereum is even able to close an agreement between a boss and an employee through an intelligent contract, which will dictate how much money the subject should or should not charge based on the agreements and their work.