Decentralized Meteor DAO 1.1 GUI

in #ethereum8 years ago

Project Integration: Commitment to a Decentralized Meteor DAO 1.1 Graphic User Interface which is updated to include DAO functionality. We will maintain an upkeep account as an expense for each change which offer to expand DAO abilities and functions which would require building out the subset of UIs. The upkeep account will be spent on the UI modifications.

Until further notice the only decentralized trustless GUI we have is with Mist. The DAO's github does contain a great Copy/Paste routine to get you set up easily, It does take a few days to sync with Ethereum's 1.5 Million blocks. If you would like to contribute Ether to this project we are a DTH and live in Etherspace at 0x001b89174EaAA350ea07cB6311B0DDc4D39d31B3.

Introducing the Core Technologies


Before going too far I urge the technical community to discuss our forked version of the Ethereum Foundation's JavaScript Development Deficiencies

But other than that JavaScript can get one fully on-board with coding in the proposed environment as everything is JavaScript except for blockchain contracts themselves which is out of scope here.


Meteor allows the 'website' to be decentralized and deployable over Swarm/IPFS as well as JavaScript node server and typically operates as a single page website which create a smooth interface with minimal latency and maximum modernity while centrally deployed but also allows for very easy onramp for a localhost user.

Utilizing mongodb but accessing it with minimongo each 'node' weather it be centralized or decentralized can participate in the application in relatively real-time as a feature, which also speeds up the development process as mockups are extremely easy to build right in the framework which end up being the skeleton for the final product. In my testing it seems mongodb simply stores the blockchain data for that user's session so it doesn't have to keep looking.

Other than that the server and the client are JavaScript so very easy to build both front end and backend together as a symbiotic program.


Ethereum developed web3 as a JavaScript interface enabling calling blockchain data for use in websites. Many of the Meteor modules utilize web3 but you can use web3 from any JavaScript inteface. A decentral organization such as ours should allow anyone to set up websites for token holders to interact with The DAO as there is no way for us to stop it we should use it as a feature, not a bug. Drupal 7 and 8 modules, Ruby modules, and of course Meteor modules could be developed and available open source MIT on our github for anyone to build from who is building an Ethereum Standard Token Interface DAO.

Open Source Repositories That We will Be Working With:

Standard DAO Framework Meteor Dapp Boilerplate