The Tech and Momentum
Ethereum is the first blockchain designed from the ground up to be a platform. All of these token projects benefit Ethereum. Ethereum is used as the gas for these services to complete processes on the blockchain. Ethereum has the first mover advantage and therefore has the most secure blockchain, even more so than Bitcoin now. This will work like a snowball effect, with startups choosing to use the public Ethereum chain for their projects. Ethereum and the other blockchains are still in their infancy. Along with the rising market cap, Ethereum's influence among the tech world (and therefore the rest of the world) will continue to increase along with other platform chains like EOS, Qtum, Strat, Tezos and BOS.
The Market
Ethereum is consistently in the number two spot for 24-hr volume, right behind Bitcoin. For the first time just recently Ethereum had the most volume for a period of 48 hours. This level of volume and liquidity is good for Ethereum and indicates a strong market. This makes Ethereum an attractive investment. Ethereum also recently achieved 25% dominance in terms of market cap for the first time.
Hype and Speculation
Despite the unknown utility of some of these token-based projects, all of them generate hype for Ethereum. Every new project announcement leads to more speculation about possible utilities of the Ethereum platform. The perception of Ethereum as the "thing that everything else runs on" will continue to grow. Not only will it grow for Ethereum, projects like EOS have the same opportunity. This hype and speculation leads to a higher valuation, growing communities, interested developers, more services, a stronger network and continuing innovation.
The one thing that can make a project fail is stagnation. A project like Ethereum must be able to adapt quickly. Adapt not just in terms of the technical development, but also in terms of general decision making. Of course everyone will not agree all of the time, but most have deemed Vitalik and his team worthy of making those decisions. Most any other project facing the stagnation problems of Bitcoin would have faltered long ago.
In Conclusion
I think Ethereum has a bright future. I also think other projects like EOS, Qtum and even Bitcoin have a bright future. This entire industry is just getting started and I look forward to seeing many projects grow simultaneously.