
Hold.. I'm hoping it will dip lower to purchase more. I predict ethereum to eventually have around a trillion dollar market cap in a few years so we are getting it now for cheap. My 2 year price point is 5,000. and 4 year is 10,000. Since ethereum is experiencing scaling problems which will be resolved soon.. but for now it is holding the price down.

Hold my friend. Ethereum is taking a deep breath and it will return to above $400 before you know it. I think Ethereum is more of a long term investment anyway, so please don't panic and sell.

Hold, dont panic sell ever. If you trust the technology, which you should since you put your money there. You have to look at the long run, ask yourself? Will ETH be worth more than it is now in say a year? If you think so, hold. No need to rush it and risking your money on technologies you are not so confident about.

As an example I can tell you my story. Bought ETH a year ago at $12.5 . A couple months later it went down to $8. I considered selling on a loss? Never, I trusted in ETH and held al the way to todays price.

So dont panic, sometimes takes a little to get the gains but dont rush it .
Sit back relax and enjoy. :D