How I Made My First $30,000 Buying Ether

in #ether7 years ago (edited)

I learned about Bitcoin on the Survival Blog when it was selling for pennies back in 2010 or 2011.  As I was out on a long trail run in the East Bay hills with my buddy Dan,  he asked how much silver I was buying.  I mentioned that I had yet to purchase any and I was thinking about Bitcoin as an alternative to silver.  He scoffed and said it was a bad idea.  He still thinks it's foolish.

I Bought Ether Before It Went Mainstream

Fast forward to the summer of 2016 when I read about Etherium and Monero in the Palm Beach Letter.  The bald guy, Teeka Tiwari, is rarely wrong. He's doing all the research with his team and sends alerts via text messages when there is a good play.  I waited 6 months before I bought Ether and Monero.   I opened an account with Kraken in January.  After the initial purchase, I did not look at the crypto market until mid March.  I figured this was a long term investment.

Ether Soared In May

 By the time May rolled around, my Etherium investment was north of $30,000!  I sold 10% of both Ether and Monero to recover my initial capitol and moved it into Bitcoin.  Both trades are now a FREE RIDE!

After signing up, I wrote the passwords on a half sheet of paper and left it next to my work computer.  I wrote down every password for work, banking, etc.  They were stronger than 1234.  Hard to guess.  However, the passwords were still in plain view on my desk!  If I lost the password and user name, I would be out my initial $2000 and all future gains. 

Use Password Encryption and Factor Authentication

Now I encrypted all my passwords and stored them on LastPass. I moved Etherium and Monero out of the Kraken exchange. I bought bitcoin at $1200 and believe it's going to be worth more.

Since I am not the smartest guy in town, I read what other people are doing to make educated decisions.  I have a small basket of crypto currencies paid for with money that I can afford to lose.  

Beyond Bitcoin and Ether

I recently bought $200 worth of Antshares and a few other Palm Beach Letter recommendations that are adding up to a tidy sum worth thousands of dollars.  

Maybe some day I will recover everything I lost during the 2008 melt down. 

I am buying the technology rather than the investment.  I worked in the semiconductor industry for nearly 15 years and it's easy to see cryptos taking off like the chip companies.  

My crypto portfolio is growing because I piggy backed off smarter people than me that bought into leading technology.   

Buy Crypto Currencies Before The UPS Driver Is Talking About It

I do not know one person in my circle of influence that has a clue about Bitcoin except for my beautiful wife and 2 wonderful sons.  Buy before the UPS driver or mailman is talking about it.  This is a good time buy.  Most of the news attention it's getting is either wrong or negative.

Kids Know More About Bitcoin Than Most Adults

My 2 sons ages 14 and 16 are taking a coding class for free this summer at 42 (That's the name of the school!).  The final project is developing a crypto currency exchange.  My 16 year is fascinated with this concept.  The 14 year is learning how difficult coding is.  He will use it like a tool and make a lot of coin for himself.

This is not an advertisement for the Palm Beach Confidential or a paid affiliate endorsement.  If you want to know a lot about crypto currencies, subscribe to the Palm Beach Letter Confidential.  It's a small price to pay for having a team do the financial research for you.  The advice for crypto currency is amazing.


Thank you for your stories on investing, this is very interesting

I used to trade snp500, gold , oil contract day in and day out. Then one day i realize i did not earn the so call excessive return and end up some buy and hold in the right time is much better than you do all the trading. I hope i will find my opportunity and share in steemit soon :)