Happy birthday, Estonia!

in #estonia7 years ago

Img src estonianexperience.com

Happy Birthday to Estonia and also to all estonians! Today we celebrate the 100th year of independence for our country. For those not familiar with our history - i'l do a recap and i'll make this superbrief for you, i promise.

Estonia has always been dragged to the spoils of war, where the danes, swedes, germans, poles, russians and many others have battled for our lands and better access to the Baltic Sea. We have always had people willing to fight, but Estonia is a small country and has had to suffer the massive amounts of foreign boots on our grounds. Germany and Russia play a big role in controlling the region in the previous few centuries. In the 20th century our identity began to gather strength again and rise above the foreign identities forced on us, and this time, on the 24th of February, in 1918, we declared a democratic Republic of Estonia.

The story goes on, as foreign oppressors, especially Soviet Russia and Germany tried, succeeeded and failed again to regain control over the Estonia and other Baltic states, but this is a story for another time ( i know a few cool stories). If you want to know more about our history, read up here on estonianworld.com

Enough about the violent history. Estonia is a beautiful country worth visiting, our nature is magnificent, our girls are pretty and our beer is good.

Pictured: the hills of Haanja, southern Estonia, during winter.

estonia - haanja.JPG
Haanja, Estonia - Wikipedia

Not only winters are beautiful. Pictured below is one of our national parks, which has territory big enough for you to hike and camp for days. If you want to see more beautiful nature and abandoned soviet outposts mixed together, which hide some kind of beauty in itself, visit a post from me about our camping trip last summer Weekend camping trip in Northern Estonia - beautiful views. Also check out our canoe trip on Ahja river and the subsequent hike

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Lahemaa National Park, Estonia - Wikipedia

Our flag is 3-striped blue, black and white. Boring, right? Not exactly - wait until you find our flag in the nature:

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A view from a watchtower at Paukjärve Lake - Wikipedia

So happy birthday, Estonia! Today we celebrate!

Want to find out more about what's going on in Estonia? Visit the EV100 site https://www.ev100.ee/en


Happy birthday all of Estonia!

Happy Birthday @furious-one and all my country people :))

Cheers! I am one with you in wishing good things for the celebration of independence day of Estonia. Like my country, the Philippines, we also went through a lot of invasions and wars in the past. Let it be remained a history of our country for our fellow country to work hard in taking care of peace and freedom until the next generation. May you all Estonians always unite for the best of Estonia! Happy independence day!

Greetings from Finland! Always fun to visit Tallinn :)


Estonia looks truly beautiful. A country full of nature and history. And despite being a small nation surrounded by big nations, it still manage to retain its independence. Happy birthday Estonia.

Happy 100th Anniversary Estonia! Great compact history of your country that is increasingly appearing in media due to your track record with technological transformation. I must plan to visit Estonia soon - perhaps this year!

I stopped looking for the landscape pics as soon as you mentioned that the girls are pretty :) (joking) it looks amazing i never been there i guess i should!

What a beautiful country and the nature looks amazing. I wanna go there some day.

Happy Birthday 🍻

Happy Birthday to Estonia. I really like this country. Tallin is my favourite place.