An Overestimation With Thought

I believe that society is very good at overestimating. People are often told how beautiful they are, how talented they are, and so on. And with all this, people become obsessed with these things because they've been told them over and over again for years. But this is also a way to shape confidence and encourage. Being negative all the time would be pessimistic and underestimating generally relates to a disconnected notion of harmonious living.
With all this, people become obsessed with these things. And so when someone thinks that they are not talented or beautiful enough, they start to believe it because of their obsessiveness. And because of this, it's obvious that the human society is particularly good at overestimating themselves and others. So it would appear that we have gone full circle and arrived at another end that continues to result in negative effects.
My take on this is that the society just goes around overestimating things. And it's because of this that the world seems like a very ugly place. I would assume that people don't think about how good the world is or how much potential they have to change the world. Instead, they get stuck in a cycle where they tell themselves things that make them feel better about themselves, and then stop there.
I feel it’s perfectly fine to have an ignorant level of self-belief, this in itself is a quality. But where responsibility lies, we see overestimation used to manipulate situations in a way that only serves the ulterior motive. For this reason, overestimation in society leaves me with a sour taste that has perhaps even left me paranoid.
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