ESTEEM8 Engage [Guardians, Developers, Designers, ...]

in #esteem88 years ago


Issues are being removed, we work on projects made from strategies made from our goals.

The beta will come very soon and we're interesting on internal and external collaborations.

For now, we're looking in particular for Web developers and eventually guardians.

Esteem8 is built with Polymer and it's library of material design components. A kit is available on our GitHub containing all the info to enter the dojo. Such as: Skills | Guidlines | Ressources | Documentation.

ES8 project organization is open-source and transparent, from our goals passing by strategies and projects into task everything is visible. At all process we would be happy to receive inputs such as interactions, advices and propositions. This is what we call external collaborations.

Internal collaboration are guardians, they do the same job but can decide on pull request.

Thanks for reading.


it runs better on iPad now. thx

You can join our chat if you have any questions.