in #esteem7 years ago


TEXTUAL SOURCES: 1Cor.4:6-7, Jn.13:5-17, Phi.2:5-8, Mk.10:45.

MEMORY VERSE:“…and being found in appearance of a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.” Phil.2:8NKJV


God’s mandate for man is not only to behold and to become but also to reflect the glory which we have gotten from Him (Light).This light should be reflected after the pattern of our perfect example (Jesus). He was humble, in the sense that He put off the garment of king to become a servant so that He will reveal the Father to us (Phil.2:8). Humility is not belittling oneself (Rom.12:3) but rather recognizing Him as the giver of everything, respecting people in the way of the Lord and exalting God through His only Son Christ (Jhn.3:30,Phil.2:3). Humility is a freedom from arrogance that grow out of recognition that we are of God, It is humility that makes man to recognize that we are inadequate without God (1Cor.4:6-7).
Humility makes man to come to a gathering with the understanding of not being served but to serve (Mk.10:45) and that our relationship with one another must birth forth by having the same mindset as Christ which will not allow us to see ourselves as God to other’s existence (Phil.2:5-8). Man comes to understand that their product is not for pride but for gratitude and that, his existence and righteousness depends on God (Jn.15:5, Acts.17:28). It is our total dependence on God that propels us to pray because it takes a humble man to pray (2Chron.7:14). The wages of humility are riches, honour and life (Pro22:4).
May God bring us into this experience as we continue in Jesus’ name. Amen.









Jesus Christ who is our perfect example exemplified a life style of humility(Matt11:29).Looking through the scriptures, one would see undoubtedly that humility was the very nature of Christ from His conception in a human vessel (Matt 1:18-25), to His birth in a manger(Luke 2:6-7),to his baptism by man (John 1:29-34), His temptation by the devil (John 4:1-11), His ministry (John 20:21, John4:34) and His crucifixion and death on the cross (Mark 15:21-39).Even though Christ was God, He did not in any way grasp equality with God (unlike the Devil who wants equality with God) in His earthly ministry but rather submitted to the will of the Father in every way; by becoming a High priest who was touched by human infirmities and tempted in every way that we are (Heb 4:15) and by sacrificing Himself as an atonement for the sin of mankind even in the most cruel way (Heb 5:5-10).

He became friends to sinners in order to ensure our salvation, was humiliated and condemned to the death on the cross and He subjected Himself to death even though He had power over all. Christ humbled Himself in every way just for the redemption of mankind to God. It was because of His humility that He was able tosacrifice everything to die for human race because He sees man the way the Father sees him; He sees man as heirs even while we are still in our fallen state .He was humble towards God and man (he washed the disciple’s feet;Jn.13:5).

He was meek because he depend on God for everything, He always pray to God (Mk.1:35, Jn.11:41),He was gentle towards people in His dealing with men even his disciples (Jn.13.4-5, Matt.21:5, Mk.14:18). Humility made him not to choose the world elect but those that have been elected by grace, which include tax-collectors, fishermen and unlearned(Mk.1:16-20,2:14-15).Since this is the lifestyle of the image we are looking unto, same also is expected of us.



“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus”-(Phil 2:5).Since Christ is the express image we are looking unto, it is therefore expedient that Christ's nature of humility should be expressed by us and seen in us. The ministry given to every believer is that of service- that is no believer should expect himself to be served by others rather he should be ready and apt to serve other people (both believers and unbelievers according to the will of God) with submission and genuine lowliness just as His savior did for him. Peter advised us to submit to elders and to one another (1Pet.5:5).Meekness is the attitude of humility toward God while gentleness is toward people which spring from a recognition that God is in control. Meekness is when a man believes God for everything, such a man seeks the kingdom of God; He will live his life to please God and trust Him for everything (Matt5:5, 48 Heb11:6), he will see God as a superior being. It is only a humble person that will inherit the earth (Matt.5:5).

Humility towards man which is gentleness is not when one is quiet (silent) but when one deals with people politely and in a well-mannered way. Gentleness will make a man to respect people for who they are and one will see man the way God is seeing him. A humble man will not see a sinner as a candidate of hell but of heaven that Jesus has died for (Jn.3:16).As Christians we need to be cultured in our speech. (Jas.4:11-12). There is no self in Christ (Col 3:3). Lay aside your ego and live in peace with men, let meekness (strength and power under control) be our guide.

THOUGHT: Am I humble?

DISCUSSION: As a Christian, How can I overcome pride in me?



As a believer who has beheld and become the light, whom God has given the grace to clothe (inward clothing) himself with Humility must come to the understanding that there is a need to keep a humble attitude. The following are some of the ways to keep a humble attitude;
By reminding ourselves daily that we are just vessels (conductor) not the source of the light.
By reminding ourselves daily that every good and perfect gift comes from God and not from us (Gen.41:16, Dan.2:27-30, Jam.1:17, 1Cor.15:9-10, 2Cor.10:17).
Meditating and obeying the word of God on a daily basis(Deu.17:19-20,Jos.1:8)
Realistically admitting your limitation (Rom.12:3, 16).


'Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, (Phil 2:9).Our savior was humble and God kept the promises he made to exalt anyone who is humble to Him by highly exalting Him and today we enjoy the reward of Christ’s humility by daily use of the authority in His name. The promises of God do not only end with Christ alone but it extends to every believers- joint heirs who are ready to bend their will in obedience to God's will. The scriptures made it clear that, happy are those who are humble, they will receive what God has promised ‘Matt 5:5(GNB).Another reward that profits the kingdom is that souls are being added to the fold as a result of humility. If we diffuse the glory of God through humility to our immediate environment in all our doings, in speech, character etc. we are likely to save souls that are deviating away from the truth (2Tim.2:25). What more, humility earns respect from God and man. So in order to receive the blessings of God's promise, we must daily yield ourselves to a life of lowliness as shown by the master (Jesus Christ) himself.



If a man is clothed with Humility, It will make him productive in reflecting the Light he has beheld and became (light) by correcting man with gentleness and being effective in serving the Lord.



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