Cucumber suri became one of the fruits that must be found in the season of the fasting month. Crisp, sweet cucumbers can be used as a mixture of ice. A strong cucumber aroma and a very fresh taste is perfect for breaking during fasting month. Though actually cucumber suri can be found anytime because this fruit is not including seasonal fruit. But it has become characteristic in Indonesia, if cucumber suri found in the season of the fasting month.
Method of Cultivation Cucumber Suri
Survive cucumber can grow very well if planted on a loose plain. The initial process of cucumber cultivation relies on compost and manure as a trigger of soil fertility because cucumber does not require chemical fertilizer. After the soil is mixed with manure or compost fertilizer, the cucumber cultivation media is made with holes to plant the cucumber seeds. Here are some tips to plant cucumber suri.

cucumber suri is not resistant to grass and weeds, therefore the soil media must be cleaned before the application of manure or compost.
land that has been given fertilizer must be reversed and make a hole with a distance of about 1 meter.
enter 3 seeds of cucumber seeds that have been selected then cover with soil, then flush with a little water. Wait up to a maximum of 5 days and the plants begin to grow. If one has not grown then you can reinvest his seed.
when the plants have started large then watering is needed every day and you have to clean the weeds and grass.
you can enjoy the cucumber fruit after 2 months.
Many people who want to eat cucumber suri during breaking the fast because this fruit is believed to make the body becomes more fresh and not weak. When fasting the body usually becomes weaker easily because there is a different metabolism than usual. But it turns out cucumber surya has enormous benefits. Here are some benefits of cucumber fruits for the body.

Smooth digestion
Solar cucumber fruit has a rich fruit flesh with soluble fiber. This is the type of fiber needed by the gut to induce digestion. Fiber from cucumber suri can also prevent some types of digestive diseases such as constipation and bowel cancer. So consuming cucumber suri is actually highly recommended anytime and not just in the month of fasting alone.

Weight and Diet
If you want to lose weight and diet then can use cucumber suri. The fiber-rich cucumber is excellent for digestion and has a longer filling effect. Even fiber can also encourage the metabolism in the body to be better. If you want to use cucumber for the diet then avoid using a mixture of sugar and artificial sweeteners, simply with cucumber surplus mixed with syrup or young coconut water.

3. # Maintain Health After you consume cucumber fruits then your body becomes fresher and healthier. This happens because the cucumber contains lots of vitamin A and vitamin C are beneficial to maintain healthy body, prevent infection due to bacteria, viruses and germs, maintain eye health, make the body become more fresh and a source of antioxidants that can prevent various free radical attacks bad for the body.

4.# Usually diabetics feel very worried because they can not eat sweet fruit. But it turns out the cucumber fruit is very good to help lower blood sugar levels. This happens because the cucumber fruit contains sugar substances consisting of fructose and glucose. This sugar source is obtained naturally so it will not increase sugar levels and can be a source of energy for the body. Of course, diabetics should consume cucumbers without added sugar and sweet syrup.
Lowering Cancer Risk
Cucumber suri is very good for health because it contains a compound that can reduce the risk of cancer is saponins. Saponins are a natural source of antioxidants that can attack all free radicals in the body. Our bodies get free radicals from various kinds such as food, drink and the outside environment. Consumption of cucumber at least four times a week can reduce the risk of cancer such as colon cancer, breast cancer and liver cancer.
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