Assurance of those words

in #esteem6 years ago

Why does it seem like my words and requests don’t get anywhere, is this a sort of guilt on self? Is there something terrible I do? Why are my prayers fruitless?

Does prayer really work?

Prayer is a lonely experience. We pray mostly when we are scared. We pray when we can. Not as a habit.

Shouldn’t I expect my prayers to be answered?

Unanswered prayer diminishes the believers faith. Our prayer level determines our success level. Somebody has gotta pay the price. If your parents did for you, wouldn’t you also do that for the sake of your kids.

There is need to recognize certain things to understand your prayers effect.


James 1:3;

• Trying your faith worketh patience. Be patient. Sometimes there are waiting periods. God does is things in steps. He uses any format. He may pray and it happens instantly. It may also take time, at his will.
• God is faithful to answer prayers.
• God’s will and work are intertwined and must be established. The measure of our appropriation of God’s grace is determined by our prayers.

Prayer is as simple as respecting God’s authority.

Prob 19: 21-22;

*God has placed His words above even Himself.
*God’s holiness is the foundation of his integrity.

Psalm 119:89-90, 138:2

2 Timothy 3:1-2: If you pray to certify your self, you won’t get it. Your purpose is to fulfil God’s purpose.

Meaning of Prayer: Human giving God right to interfere in his matter. We often assume that God knows what we want. Yes he does, but you should tell him specifically at that particular time.

Remember, you want many more things.

Hit the point when asking.
