Man Is Like a Crow ♨️ Manusia Itu Seperti Burung Gagak

Some Humans are never satisfied like crows. One day there was a black crow who was not satisfied in his life, he often wandered around here, in the morning, he saw a goose so white in his mind that he himself was the blackest and the goose must be the most beautiful bird in the world.
A crow approaches a swan and says "you must be the happiest bird in the world, you are so white and cute, surely everyone likes you, so no one likes me."Angsa answered "Actually, I feel that I am the most beautiful bird living, until I see a parrot that has two colors then I think bird crow the happiest bird in the world."
Then the black crow approaches the parrot and says it all. The parrot explains "I think I live a happy life when I see a peacock is very beautiful and colorful, he is the most beautiful." Then the black crows visited the peacocks at the zoo and the crows saw many people gathered to see the beauty of the peacock.
After the people leave, the crow approaches the peacock and says "Peacock, you are so beautiful that every day hundreds of people come to see you but when anyone sees me they just want me to go, I think you have to be the most beautiful bird in planets."
Peacock said sadly "I always thought that I was the most beautiful bird on this planet but this beauty I was caught in a cage from time to time, I thought that I would be happy to travel around freely. to you crow, you can leave freely."
This is a basic human problem, often we make comparisons with others and feel sad. We should not have to make comparisons with anyone and get out of the circle of disagreeable. You have money 1 million feel poor when others have money 1 billion and as for having money 1 million feel rich when seeing others have 10 thousand.
Surely it's all in our heads. The secret of happiness is to reward what God has given us and to stop doing comparisons will cause disagreement.
A crow approaches a swan and says "you must be the happiest bird in the world, you are so white and cute, surely everyone likes you, so no one likes me."Angsa answered "Actually, I feel that I am the most beautiful bird living, until I see a parrot that has two colors then I think bird crow the happiest bird in the world."
Sebagian Manusia yang tidak pernah merasa puas seperti burung gagak. Pada suatu hari ada seekor burung gagak hitam yang tidak kepuasan dalam hidupnya, dia sering berkeliaran kesana kemari, pada pagi hari, ia melihat seekor angsa yang begitu putih dalam pikirannya bahwa dirinya sendiri yang paling hitam dan angsa ini pasti burung terindah didunia.
Seekor gagak mendekati angsa dan berkata "kamu pasti burung paling bahagia di dunia, kamu sangat putih dan imut, pasti semua orang menyukaimu, sehingga tidak ada yang menyukaiku." Angsa jawab "Sebenarnya, saya merasakan bahwa saya adalah burung terindah yang hidup, sampai saya melihat burung kakaktua yang memiliki dua warna lalu saya berpikir burung kakaktualah burung paling bahagia di dunia."

After the people leave, the crow approaches the peacock and says "Peacock, you are so beautiful that every day hundreds of people come to see you but when anyone sees me they just want me to go, I think you have to be the most beautiful bird in planets."
Peacock said sadly "I always thought that I was the most beautiful bird on this planet but this beauty I was caught in a cage from time to time, I thought that I would be happy to travel around freely. to you crow, you can leave freely."
Kemudian burung gagak hitam mendekati burung dan mengatakan semuanya. Burung kakaktua menjelaskan "Saya pikir, sayalah yang hidup bahagia disaat saya melihat seekor merak bulunya sangat indah dan berwarna-warni, dialah yang paling indah." Lalu burung gagak hitam mengunjungi burung merak di kebun binatang dan burung gagak melihat banyak orang berkumpul melihat keindahan burung merak.
Setelah orang pergi, burung gagak mendekati burung merak dan berkata "Merak, kamu sangat cantik sehingga setiap hari ratusan orang datang melihat mu tapi ketika ada yang melihatku mereka hanya ingin aku pergi. Saya berpikir kamu pasti adalah burung paling indah di planet ini."
Merak berkata dengan keadaan sedih "Saya selalu pikir bahwa saya adalah burung yang paling indah di planet ini tetapi keindahan ini saya terjebak dalam sangkar dari waktu ke waktu, saya pikir bahwa saya akan senang hati jika bisa berkelana kemana-kemana dengan bebas. Justru saya iri padamu gagak, kamu bisa bebas kepergian dengan bebas."

Surely it's all in our heads. The secret of happiness is to reward what God has given us and to stop doing comparisons will cause disagreement.
Inilah masalah dasar manusia, seringkali kita membuat perbandingan dengan orang lain dan merasa sedih. Seharusnya kita tidak perlu membuat perbandingan dengan siapapun dan segera keluar dari lingkaran ketidakbahagian. Anda punya uang 1 juta merasakan miskin disaat orang lain mempunyai uang 1 miliyar dan adapun punya uang 1 juta merasakan kaya disaat melihat orang lain mempunyai 10 ribu.
Sesungguhnya semua hanya ada di kepala kita. Rahasia kebahagiaan adalah memghargai apa yang Tuhan telah berikan kepada kita dan berhenti melakukan perbandingan akan menyebabkan ketidakbahagian.
Hola @salmansaif,muy buena moraleja y cierta el hombre o los humanos nunca terminamos de estar satisfechos, con lo que somos o tenemos ,siempre estamos en una constante comparación ,los unos con los otros ,en vez de aprovechar las virtudes y oportunidades que tenemos,saludos ,espero pronto su visita,que Dios lo acompañe