Ulama Aceh to Papua Released 1.000 Tons Of Rice For Syria - Ulama Aceh Sampai Papua Lepas 1.000 Ton Beras Untuk Suriah

Hundreds of years, Baiturrahman Great Mosque stands dashing who witnessed the history of the struggle, tears, and greatness of the people of Aceh. Starting from the story of the Sultanate of Aceh, the war against the Dutch, until the great events of the 2004 Aceh Tsunami, all engraved in the Great Mosque Baiturrahman.
A mosque becomes a pride of aceh society that is so precious and memorable in the struggle of a fasting Islam in the midst of Banda Aceh City is a new historical guide. This time the new history is engraved again in the Great Mosque of Banda Aceh, recorded again in the humanitarian solidarity of the Acehnese Society for the Syrian Nation who are facing a conflict of war.
A mosque becomes a pride of aceh society that is so precious and memorable in the struggle of a fasting Islam in the midst of Banda Aceh City is a new historical guide. This time the new history is engraved again in the Great Mosque of Banda Aceh, recorded again in the humanitarian solidarity of the Acehnese Society for the Syrian Nation who are facing a conflict of war.
Ratusan tahun, Masjid Agung Baiturrahman berdiri gagah yang menyaksikan sejarah perjuangan, air mata, dan kebesaran masyarakat Aceh. Mulai dari kisah Kesultanan Aceh, perang melawan Belanda, hingga peristiwa besar Tsunami Aceh 2004, semua terukir di Masjid Agung Baiturrahman.
Masjid menjadi kebanggaan masyarakat aceh yang begitu berharga dan berkesan dalam perjuangan Islam yang puasa di tengah Kota Banda Aceh adalah panduan sejarah baru. Kali ini sejarah baru terukir lagi di Masjid Agung Banda Aceh, dicatat lagi dalam solidaritas kemanusiaan Masyarakat Aceh untuk Bangsa Suriah yang menghadapi konflik perang.