The Same Ramadhan, Different Conditions - Ramadhan Yang Sama, Kondisi Yang Berbeda

Ramadhan worship routines in Indonesia and other parts of the globe are no different. Same-meal, fasting, breaking the fast with the family, until tarawih prayers in congregation with the neighbors. Only one different, that is with the condition of each country. Ramadhan in Indonesia and in Gaza for example are both turning. In Indonesia, the euphoria of Ramadan will certainly be felt all over Indonesia. While behind the tight wall of Gaza, similar happiness in Indonesia in previous years is hardly found there. They are still living under any limitations.
The UN in 2017 says that 80% of Gaza's population live with humanitarian aid. The reach of unemployment in all corners of the city reaches 50%. All due to lack of employment. Hundreds of thousands of souls are confused, with what they should eat and break? Listening to Ramadan later in Gaza which may be full of limitations, it becomes a duty for all caring people in this country to bring empathy and caring to our brothers there.
In the momentum of the seconds towards Ramadan, the truth brings the sweetest good that will become a happy story for us in the hereafter, that is by extending a hand to every needy. After several years, the ACT Team in Gaza successfully channeled 2,000 tons of Human Ship's rice. Insha Allah, on subsequent occasions, various types of SMS assistance will continue to be routinely distributed during the blockade of Gaza City accompanying their Ramadhan.
The UN in 2017 says that 80% of Gaza's population live with humanitarian aid. The reach of unemployment in all corners of the city reaches 50%. All due to lack of employment. Hundreds of thousands of souls are confused, with what they should eat and break? Listening to Ramadan later in Gaza which may be full of limitations, it becomes a duty for all caring people in this country to bring empathy and caring to our brothers there.
Ibadah Ramadhan di Indonesia dan di belahan Bumi lainnya tentu tidak berbeda. Sama-sama sahur, berpuasa, berbuka puasa bersama keluarga, hingga shalat tarawih berjamaah dengan para tetangga. Hanya satu yang berbeda, yaitu dengan kondisi negeri masing-masing. Ramadhan di Indonesia dan di Gaza misalnya sama-sama berputar. Di Indonesia, euforia Ramadhan nantinya pastinya sangat terasa ke seluruh penjuru Indoneisa. Sedangkan di balik tembok ketat Gaza, bahagia yang serupa di Indonesia pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya hampir tidak ditemukan di sana. Mereka masih hidup di bawah segala keterbatasan.
PBB pada 2017 mengatakan bahwa 80% penduduk Gaza hidup dengan bantuan kemanusiaan. Jangkauan pengangguran di seluruh pelosok kota mencapai 50%. Semua karena kurangnya pekerjaan. Ratusan ribu jiwa bingung, dengan apa yang harus mereka makan dan istirahat? Mendengarkan Ramadan nanti di Gaza yang mungkin penuh dengan keterbatasan, itu menjadi kewajiban bagi semua orang yang peduli di negeri ini untuk membawa empati dan kepedulian kepada saudara-saudara kita di sana.

Di momentum detik-detik menuju Ramadhan, saatnya goreskan kebaikan termanis yang kelak akan menjadi cerita bahagia bagi kita di akhirat kelak, yakni dengan mengulurkan tangan pada setiap yang membutuhkan. Setelah beberapa waktu lalu Tim ACT di Gaza sukses menyalurkan 2.000 ton beras Kapal Kemanusiaan. Insya Allah, dalam beberapa kesempatan berikutnya, ragam jenis bantuan kemanusiaan masih akan terus terdistribusi rutin menembus blokade kota Gaza menemani Ramadhan mereka.
The beautiful days of ramzan is comming i am so exited for it