Make The Best Ramadhan in Syiria - Jadikan Ramadhan Terbaik Di Suriah

The month of Ramadhan, the month most awaited by the Muslims in 12 months is only 1 month special, for the Muslims Ramadhan, the month of blessing and very useful in worship, both for physical and spiritual. This month of Ramadhan fasting month means to refrain from hunger and thirst especially away from the lusts. But not for a Syrian country that has to undergo a full-blown Ramadan month, they are forced to undergo a month of Ramadan in a state of conflict.
about two weeks away, Muslims around the world will welcome Ramadan, including Muslims in Syria. If the conflict has not improved, it will be the 7th year of Ramadan for Syrian refugees in the midst of conflict and chaos. Especially to celebrate Ramadan in earnest, Syrian refugees even pessimistic in doing the fasting in the midst of their condition.

Insha Allah, the coming month of Ramadan, bread programs that have started since a few months ago will continue to distribute thousands of packages of khobz for Syrian refugees. Later, thousands of khobz loaves from the bakery ACT were part of the food and destroyed thousands of Syrian refugee families. The distribution of thousands of packets of bread per day in Ramadan is one of many programs under the name "Give the Best Ramadan" initiated by ACT.
In addition to bakery factories, ACT also organizes Syrian Refugee Orphans program. This program, various forms of humanitarian aid are channeled to Syrian orphan families who live in nine orphanages on the Turkish and Syrian border and include IHC food packages, Kafalah orphans, orphanages, daily free bread and educational assistance.
about two weeks away, Muslims around the world will welcome Ramadan, including Muslims in Syria. If the conflict has not improved, it will be the 7th year of Ramadan for Syrian refugees in the midst of conflict and chaos. Especially to celebrate Ramadan in earnest, Syrian refugees even pessimistic in doing the fasting in the midst of their condition.
Bulan ramadhan, bulan yang paling ditunggu oleh kaum muslimin dalam 12 bulan hanya 1 bulan yang istimewa, bagi kaum muslimin ramadhan, bulan yang penuh berkah dan sangat bermanfaat dalam ibadah, baik untuk jasmani maupun rohani. Bulan Ramadhan ini bulan yang diwajib berpuasa artinya menahan diri dari lapar dan haus terutama menjauhi dari nafsu-nafsu. Tapi tidak untuk Negara Suriah yang harus menjalani Bulan Ramadhan penuh kepedihan yang mereka alami, mereka terpaksa menjalani bulan Ramadhan dalam keadaan konflik.
Sekitar dua minggu lagi, Muslim di seluruh dunia akan menyambut Ramadhan, termasuk Muslim di Suriah. Jika konflik belum juga membaik, berarti tahun ini menjadi Ramadan ke-7 bagi pengungsi Suriah di tengah kecamuk konflik dan kekacauan. Jangankan untuk merayakan Ramadhan dengan khusyuk, para pengungsi Suriah bahkan pesimis dalam menjalani ibadah puasa di tengah kondisi mereka.

Insha Allah, the coming month of Ramadan, bread programs that have started since a few months ago will continue to distribute thousands of packages of khobz for Syrian refugees. Later, thousands of khobz loaves from the bakery ACT were part of the food and destroyed thousands of Syrian refugee families. The distribution of thousands of packets of bread per day in Ramadan is one of many programs under the name "Give the Best Ramadan" initiated by ACT.
In addition to bakery factories, ACT also organizes Syrian Refugee Orphans program. This program, various forms of humanitarian aid are channeled to Syrian orphan families who live in nine orphanages on the Turkish and Syrian border and include IHC food packages, Kafalah orphans, orphanages, daily free bread and educational assistance.
Insya Allah, bulan Ramadan mendatang, program pabrik roti yang sudah dimulai sejak beberapa bulan silam ini akan terus mendistribusikan ribuan paket khobz untuk pengungsi Suriah. Nantinya, ribuan roti khobz dari pabrik roti ACT menjadi bagian dari santap sahur dan berbuka puasa ribuan keluarga pengungsi Suriah. Aksi distribusi ribuan paket roti per hari di bulan Ramadan menjadi satu dari sekian banyak program dengan nama “Beri Ramadan Terbaik” yang diinisiasi oleh ACT.Link source
Selain pabrik roti, ACT juga menggelar program Keluarga Yatim Pengungsi Suriah. Program ini, berbagai bentuk bantuan kemanusiaan disalurkan untuk keluarga yatim Suriah yang tinggal di sembilan rumah yatim di perbatasan Turki dan Suriah dan mencakup paket pangan IHC, Kafalah anak yatim, operasional rumah yatim, roti gratis setiap hari dan bantuan pendidikan.