Israeli Soldiers Dismantle The Funeral of Scholars In Baitul Maqdis - Tentara Israel Membongkar Pemakaman Ulama Di Baitul Maqdis

Al-Quds Thursday (3/5), Since last Monday the Isreal troops have entered various Islamic sites in Al-Quds for seizure of al-Quds when the transfer of the American embassy there. The massive process of Judaization and cleansing of Islam's identity in Baitul Maqdis will enter one of its major. The Palestinian people are trying to stop the evil attempts that taint the sanctity of Baitul Maqdis, acaman with various kinds of violence.
Even the Ar-Rahmah Cemetery in which hundreds of sacred remains of the ulama, the martyrs and the companions of the Messenger of Allah will begin to be deprived and evicted. One of the noble bodies there is Ubadah bin Shamit, a prominent friend of the Ansar. The Ar-Rahmah Cemetery is an important site attached to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Now the Zionists annex it with the reasons for the construction of a national park that is essentially a Zionist park.
Even the Ar-Rahmah Cemetery in which hundreds of sacred remains of the ulama, the martyrs and the companions of the Messenger of Allah will begin to be deprived and evicted. One of the noble bodies there is Ubadah bin Shamit, a prominent friend of the Ansar. The Ar-Rahmah Cemetery is an important site attached to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Now the Zionists annex it with the reasons for the construction of a national park that is essentially a Zionist park.
Al-Quds Kamis (3/5), Sejak Senin lalu pasukan Isreal telah memasuki berbagai situs Islam di Al-Quds untuk menyita al-Quds ketika pengalihan kedutaan Amerika di sana. Proses besar-besaran Yahudisasi dan pembersihan identitas Islam di Baitul Maqdis akan memasuki salah satu jurusannya. Orang-orang Palestina mencoba untuk menghentikan upaya jahat yang mencemari kesucian Baitul Maqdis, acaman dengan berbagai jenis kekerasan.
Bahkan Makam Ar-Rahmah di mana ratusan sisa-sisa suci ulama, para martir dan sahabat Rasulullah akan mulai dicabut dan digusur. Salah satu tubuh bangsawan ada Ubadah bin Shamit, seorang teman terkenal Ansar. Makam Ar-Rahmah adalah situs penting yang melekat pada Masjid Al-Aqsha. Sekarang Zionis merampasnya dengan alasan untuk pembangunan taman nasional yang pada dasarnya adalah sebuah taman Zionis.