12 the benefits pears to our health

in #esteem6 years ago

12 the benefits pears to our health
did you know if pear or common we call pears included in the genus pyrus, is a kind of plants can flourish in different parts of the world. Can coastal up temperate climates. High pear tree can reach 10 up to 17 meters but most species is a tree short and has a leaf Green. Leaves Criss-cross, kidney-shaped wide but can also shaped longitudinal long-slim. Some species pear tree produce fruit delicious eaten because it contains plenty of water, masir and sweet.

12 benefits pears to our health

in nature, there are at least 30 species pear, including pyrus communis, pyrus nivalis, and pyrus salicifolia. Form of fruit diverse, most of the species produce fruit round. Some species such as pears Europe produce fruit shape enlarged at the bottom and slim at the base of fruit. Pear is one of fruit that a lot of vitamins, for example vitamin a, bed, C., ha and vitamin K.

in addition, fruit is also contains some important Minerals, such as calcium, potassium or phosphorus. Known, there are some compounds important contained on this fruit one is acid klorogenat were very helpful to support the health of your body. In addition, pears is a rich source of fiber and copper. To find out more about the benefits pear, let US consider the following explanation.
1.against cancer pears containing various active compounds that can be against the growth of cancer cells in the body. Acid florogenat is one of the active compound in pear that serves as the antioxidant to Ward off a variety of free radicals including free radicals cause cancer. In addition fiber content and magnesium in fruit is also shown to be able to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

2.lowering cholesterol pear contains pectin high (higher than the Apple). That's what makes a powerful to reduce the cholesterol levels in the body. Pectin absorbing the fat in intestinal before they absorbed through the bloodstream.

3.make the your stay hydrated pears is a type of fruit that has a high water content so as to meet the fluid intake in the body. If the body hydrated well then it will look our skin become more healthy and tekturnya become supple.

4.protecting the body pear is one of fruit the source of vitamin C. very important. Vitamins C. this especially most contained in the skin fruit. For it, do not Peel pear if you want to benefit the whole of this fruit.
5.keep bone health pears contains boron body needs to maintain calcium, which can prevent osteoporosis.

6.overcome hypertension pears in addition to a lot of vitamins and fiber, was also rich variety of mineral content. Minerals contained in pear, among others, magnesium, potassium, and kronium that can be normal blood pressure in the body.

7.prevent Alzheimer's disease recently, a study of Cornell University prove that consume pear very good for a brain health. This is due to pear possess antioxidants high enough to keep the brain health and can prevent disturbances health on the brain as Alzheimer's disease.
8.good for diabetics this fruit contains calories low enough so it is suitable for consumed by diabetics. In addition, diligent consume pear also good for megontrol sugar content in the blood.

9.the source of vitamin a good addition fiber content, pear also rich variety of vitamins, especially vitamin C., and vitamin K. the content of a variety of vitamin this has a lot of function for the body like to keep the endurance, help solving process fat, forming collagen, as well as affect some reaction enzymes in the body.

10.recommended for diet as described above, pear is fruit rich fiber. Fiber content considerable this will make our fast satisfied. Moreover fruit is also very low calorie so suitable consumed by your undergoing diet program.

11.keep the heart healthy pear is the source of natural fibers are good for heart health. Fiber very good for heart health because consume enough fiber will reduce the bad cholesterol levels in the body so that the risk of stroke and heart attacks can be minimized.
12.nourish the digestive pear have the effect laxative useful to keep the health organs digestive the body. Even pear still immature often consumed to launch a bowel movements. In addition, fruit it also has fiber content very high.

in addition to rich benefits, it turns out pears have no side effects - so very safe for you sensitive food and safe to allergy sufferers certain because pears is the type of fruit hypoallergenic.