Due to smoking, the serious damage to the human body

in #esteem7 years ago

What is the harm of eating cigarettes?
Smoking is a bad habit. For this, about 3.5 million people die every year in the world. From 1950 to 2000, only six million people died in developing countries. And half of them were young men.

  1. The nicotine contained in cigarette smoke is stronger than heroin.

  2. Smoking is considered as a hated person in the whole country and society.

  3. Smoking is a waste And Allah says about waste, ولا تبذر تبذيرا, إن المبذرين كانوا إخوان الشياطين 'Do not waste The weaselers are the brothers of Satan "(Isra 26, 27).
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  4. Smoking causes people to lose knowledge and intelligence. Because he knows that smoking is harmful to health, yet he drinks it.

  5. The smoker becomes an idiot for his children and his successors.

  6. The practice of smoking prevents a person from performing rituals. Because he can not smoke if he keeps Riyam.

  7. Smoking causes man's death. According to the International Health Agency report, more and more obesity occurs due to smoking throughout the world, due to no other disease or disease.

  8. Due to smoking, long-term disease-related disorders of body heat growth, inflammation, and irritation can be seen.

  9. Smoking causes weakening of blood vessels and many times their blood circulation is stopped.

  10. Smokers have cancer in the lungs, bladder, lips, mouth, tongue and throat, kidney etc.

  11. Smoke reduces memory and weakens the mind.

  12. Sensory power weakens. Especially the smell and the ability to taste taste disappear.

  13. Smoking reduces the hearing power of the smokers. Recently the University of Wisconsin conducted a study on 3750 people. It is noticed that there is more than 70 percent chance of smokers smoking less than the non-smokers. Researchers have also found that the same problem will arise if a non-smoker is present during a smoking smoker.

  14. Smoking causes people to become weak and repeatedly they suffer from heart disease. Smokers always feel weak and feel terrified.

  15. The risk of heart attacks associated with the heart is strong. There is also the possibility of breast fever infection.

  16. Smoking causes high blood pressure.

  17. Smoking causes abnormalities of sexual energy.

  18. Due to smoking, digestion decreases, loss of capacity and loss of body.

  19. Smoking causes stomach wounds and the possibility of liver drying.

  20. Smoking causes diarrhea and urinary tract infections.

  21. Smoke pollutes clean environment. As a result, people, family members, friends, friends and people around are in trouble. Because of the public smoking in buses, trains and other vehicles, many fellow passengers have quietly cursed the smoker in mind. Someone again went into an embarrassing situation. Many were humiliated to protest. Sometimes the smokers say that they are in a dirty voice and buy a car or a train and move on separately. Some people also say that, 'It seems that the car is bought by itself or the car feels like his father'. Should know, according to medical science, the smoker's neighbor is physically hurt like a smoker. The hadeeth has been warned that in the hadeeth, the person suffering from a neighbor will go to hell. Abu Huraira (R) said that the Prophet (sm) said, من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فلا يؤذى جاره 'Whoever believes in Allah and the Hereafter should not let his neighbor hurt' (Bukhari H / 4787; Muslim H / 68) .
    The evil points mentioned prove that smoking is very harmful. In this regard, every person with a good conscience of the world agrees. Allah says, 'He makes lawful for you good and good things, and forbids you from bad and harmful things' (A'raaf 7/157). In the above verse, harmful substances have been forbidden. So smoking does not allow Islam.
    Allah also said, ولا تلقوا بأيديكم إلى التهلكة "Do not bring your life to ruin" (Baqarah 2/195). This verse also proves that smoking is forbidden. Because smoking leads to the destruction of human life. Most of the smoker, who is suffering from fatal disturbed disease, die of death.
    Some people say that smoking has some good side. Such as removing temporary anxiety and fatigue etc. But for this reason if smoking is valid. Then alcohol, gambling etc. are also valid. Because there are some good aspects in it too. Allah said,
    يسألونك عن الخمر والميسر قل فيهما إثم كبير ومنافع للناس وإثمهما أكبر من نفعهما

'They ask you about alcohol and gambling. Say, both of them are madhapak. And there are also benefits for humans in it. But their sins are greater than benefit '(Baqarah 2/219).
It is understood by Allah that this has been forbidden despite the benefits of drinking and gambling. Smoking is worse than alcohol and gambling. Because it does not have any kind of benefit. Rather 100 hundred loss damage
Again there is a similarity to the food of the fire with smoking. As for the description of the food of the dwellers of the Fire, Allah said, "The food of hell does not provide food for the dwellers of hell, nor will they prevent hunger" (Gashiya 88/7).
Smoking cigarettes, cigarettes, cigar or tobacco, jarda, gul, etc. do not provide any kind of nutrients for the buyer, hunger does not stop. So come on! We all strive to free our society from smoking.
word source bangla