Meriahnya anniversary celebration of Indonesia

in #esteem7 years ago

Celebration birthday (Hut) independence of Indonesia that falls on August 17, always identical to rangkain race exciting and fun. Therefore August be time exciting for the people of Indonesia. Many activities conducted to celebrate independence day Indonesia. Flag Red White and the flag of colorful or banners very easy found in many areas. From Bazar, exhibition, flag ceremony to race in different areas. In addition to raising the Red flag White, it is not less required is a variety of race 17an. Race August 17, is a routine agenda held almost all citizens Indonesia. It is to remind the history of independence, appreciate services hero who have died after independence, and revive the spirit of nationalism.

the following I will discuss some of the race to the anniversary of Indonesia below there are some photos I post about race questions independence day of Indonesia.

The race Carnival

race carnival's also considered important when Hut Indonesia because carnival's is showing off clothing _ clothing traditional Indonesia, or clothes Customs in each of the province of different indonesia.karnaval also accompanied by players dream bands, following the Carnival this is the students from students kindergarten, Elementary school, junior high school, high school and equivalent with her, usually carnival's held day before August 17, or a day after the anniversary of Indonesia, with race carnival's atmosphere Hut Indonesia the festive.

Tug of war

Game tug of war is also not less attractive, the game in the two teams team each of which holds the end of the rope mine and trying to each other interesting with a vengeance. This game is played by men and women as well as needed strength, coordination, and compactness each team. Furthermore, the winner is determined from one team past lines that have been determined. Team fallen in whole or not able to pull again it will be lost.

Racing sack

Racing sack (Flickr) on this race, participants were asked to enter into gunny and had to jump to achieve the finish line. This game-loved for easy and cheap, just need a sack as media game. Difficulty race is located on the coordination hand holding sack with the leaps feet. If not the same then participants will stumble, fall, and passed by other participants

Mounting nut

This race also train compactness and cooperation between participants. Game not complicated, but the level of difficulty very high, because the participants in team must formation increased to top so that people who top can reach the top of the nut. They must be struggling to get to the top to reach a wide range of gifts hanged in the top of Pinang it.

discussion of the race in independence day of Indonesia, and many race-race other didn't I mentioned above such as race eat crackers, run 100m, and others.

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