- To defeat the Nemean Arslani (In the myths related to this lion, it is told that the lion's posture can only be cut with its own claw).
- Killing Hydra in Lerna Lake
- Achieve to catch the Kyreneia Gey, known as one of the sacred animals of Artemis
- The great wild pig believed to have lived on Mount Erymanthian, with a network
- Clear the stalls of Augias in only one day (To clean these stalls, the beds of the two big rivers must be slid and passed through the stables.)
- To expel the Stymphalian Birds disturbing the people of the Stymphalos region with the help of God Athena
- Bringing uncontrollable Crete Bull to Poseidon to Minos from Crete
- To enter the emrine of the King of Troy King Diomedes at the time, to kill the sea monster who oppressed the people of Troy (He also killed the King who could not take the pace and act badly on him).
- Taking the belt from the queen of the Amazons Hippolyta (In fact, she agreed with the queen for the belt, but Heracles attacked the Amazon with Heraklese, and then Herakles had to kill the queen.)
- To steal the cattle of Geryoneus, the giant creature with three bodies
- To bring the gold apples of Hesperidler (The golden apple's guardians also made an agreement with Atlas.)
- Kerberos named dog with the duty to protect the dead land of Hades,