lyawwkyalar pyan ea

in #esteem7 years ago

tait u k a hkongya a mar rae loteaarr waalloaarr aalotesamarr ၎inneat mahpyithcalout rotepinesinerarhtotekone (MPPL) aapaw aahkyayhkan sai . de taithku loteaarr eatyuunait ( shoetmahote aalotesamarr tait u infinitesimal toe k nay) eat tait u toe k nay raladmyarr saw a posaungg output ko ( shoetmahote rotepinesinerar htotekone) aahpyit saatmhaathtarrsai . ( hc htotelotemhu seaore aahkyayhkan kyany shu par . )

aalotesamarrrayyrar waalloaarr tait sainnsaatlar waalloaarrhpyiteat aakyaungg, aalotesamarr ngharram ၎inneat kopine bhhoet a lo nghaar aaloshisaw mahotebhell k aaloteshin rae wainngway ko aahtoutaakuupyu raan nhaint i aaraut mha aakyoemashi aarar output ko, htotelote aatwat aahtoutaakuu hpyitsaw kyawwng mapyu par . aalotesamarr tait u a po saungg ngwaypamarn myarraatwat waalloaarraalotesamarrmyarreat margin aahkwanwaankyeehtarnakonepahchcaee (MRP) nhaint mahpyithcaloutkonekyahcarate (MC) pawtwin muutai sai . tait u ဿone yhain pyaine konehcai jhayykwat nhang takw, MRP aalotesamarrmyarreat margin rotepinesinerar konepahchcaeemyarr k a sone konepahchcaee shoetmahote waansaungmhu eat hcyaayynhuann m pwarr myarraarr hpyint twathkyet sai . aasopar MRP tait kumpanetahkurae margin konekyahcaratehtaat sar. kyee myat sai sopar k, hthoetnout kumpane aamyat aahcwann ko toe pwarr hcay nineaaung lotenaytar kataeekaaalotesamarr employ par lain maal . kumpanesar neoclassical hceepwarrrayy seaore aatwat mahotebhellkyawlwan MRP MC = shirar aamhaat aahti shoetsaw n htam myarr nhaint .

aalotesamarrmyarreat MRP makyaarhkan " myahoettaw" huusaw wawharrako aoutmhar hcuhcaee aalotesamarr aalotelote nine sany nhaint aatuu htotelotemhu aahkyarr swin aarrhcu ( upamar hcaatyantararr), kyount htihkite naypartaal . darhar taanntuu tahkyarr aararaarrlonehtaat, hto waanhtameat MRP toemyahang hphoet a hkongya a mar myarraatwat aarainnaanhaee pomorashi ninemhu myarraatwat hceepwarrrayy mawdaal aatwat ponemhaan parpell . panyarrayy nhaint lae kyintrayy " lhu myahoettaw" aahpyit htainmhaat naykyasai . rotepinesinerar aarainnaanhaeepamarnako MRP aapaw saatroutmhu kataeek nhaint bhandarrayy myahoettaw hceesainnmhu r shinine rotepinesinerar aarainnaanhaee pamarnako htihkite hcay ninepartaalkataeek MRP nhaint aashin lotehk bhandarrayy myahoettaw ninenganmyarr aatwin nhaint a kyarr hceesainnmhu nhaint ninenganmyarr aatwin nhaint a kyarrmyahoettaw mobility eat degare aarr hpyint htihkite hcay ninesai .

neoclassical seaore a r, aakyoe ralad myarreat saatsinerar aakwaraawayy kyaw, aalotesamarrmyarreat mahpyithcalout rotepinesinerarhtotekone ( lyawwkyalar pyan eat panyaat ti k) kyasainnnay sai . aalotesamarr po yuunait aalote naykyasai aahpyit solo sataee, ၎innthoeteat a posaungg output ko kyasainn hcatainhkaesai . image

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@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.