Moto gp
Hallo semua selamat pagi steemians apakabar swmoga sehat semua yah amin dan semangat untuk berkerja
Waaa.. Rossi masih jauh nih guys! Yess.. akhirnya bisa nyusul Rossi!
Aku duluan ke garis finish deh, biar bisa langsung pulang dan nonton race benerannya di Trans7
Race-nya akan disiarin langsung dari Spanyol di Trans7 jam 17.00 loh guys!
kythelmet yamahaindonesia officialtrans7 MotoGPTrans7 SpanishGP MotoGP2018
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Note to my dear readers, friends and followers: Please understand that I am unable to answer all of your comments because if I was to do that, I'd not have any time left for creating the series and the rest of my extensive Steemit-related work. The amount of comments is overwhelming. It is beautiful to see that my work is appreciated and that it inspires so many people. I read all of your comments before going to sleep. It is my evening routine. Thank you so much for your support!